Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Loves It

Blogger is still pissing me off with this paragraph/line break nonsense-sort it out because I'm struggling with html!!I received this Liebster Blog award tag thingy from the lovely Char of T*Rexes and Tiaras. It's meant for those smaller scale bloggers (less than 300 followers-ish) and I get to award it to 3 more bloggers. Those I would like to pass it onto are: Rai of Blargle Fargle who showcases the cutest and prettiest dresses and prints (and jewellery) you'll find on the high-street and always looks so happy doing so! She also draws really cute cartoon images plus she's been experimenting with lots of lovely hair colours lately, v pretty! Daisy from A Penny For Your Shoes: this Belgian blogger loves shoes (obvi)! You'll find gorgeous outfit/footwear posts and non-stop designer and UK high-street shoe finds that'll make you want to spend your pennies (you've been warned). Llara of Little Scribbler-firstly I need a big 'yay' for all the fabby Scottish bloggers right now, there's getting to be quite a few of us, yipee! Anyway, every time I visit Little Scribbler, I laugh out loud, really I do. She has the same sense of humour and sarcasm as me, not to mention she loves shoes (Irregular Choice-yay) and posts outfits and shoe piccies...and she's maybe the only other person in Scotland with the same Senso Diffusion pink leopard Wilma boots as me...anyone care to disagree and make us triplets?


  1. Ahhh thanks so so much for picking meee <3

  2. yay thanks for playing along with the tag ;) I love all of these blogs!

  3. Aaaaaaaaaah, thank you so much!!! Loving it!

  4. Aw, I missed this somehow! Thanks ever so much! I shall look for some onward deserving recipient! Yay for shoes!


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