My heart sank this week when browsing through Irregular Choice shoes on eBay, I spotted these glorious pink and turquoise 'Kitty Princess' platforms. The reason for my disappointment being, that IC often sell samples of stock that is never mass produced for shops (and all these samples are a size 4-too small for me). So imagine my surprise when I saw them on the IC website yesterday! My excitement surpassed though when I saw the price...£100. It is really expensive and to be honest I'm not sure why this style would be £20-30 dearer than the usual IC's from this season. However, I do love the different shades of suede and the cute little moggy on the front and check out the gorgeous jewel stud on the ankle strap! So I've made a deal with myself that I'll buy them if I make the money from my eBay sales in the next few days. Although I'm not sure that letting go of nearly 40 pairs for one in return is good maths!
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Scottish beauty, shoe and chronic illness blogger (severe M.E. since 2002). Quirky shoe loving, Irregular Choice superfan with an addiction to K-drama and fondness for Korean/Japanese/Chinese culture/beauty. Makeup hoarder with a rediscovered love of fragrance, permanently seeking that perfect cool-toned, milky, taupe-nude lip.
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