So I went to
Primark today for the first time in months-I've taken some really quick photos of my loot. There's a definite winter vibe in the store but I was really disappointed to see a dress in either dusky pink or black that was totally my style with a spotty pattern and bows on the sleeves that was out of stock in my size. Even worse was the fact it was reduced to a fiver! They usually only get one or two in my size though, so if you don't get it first thing-it's gone! There actually wasn't that much in the dress section. I nearly cried when I spotted a dress with little horse print all over it. "Ponies, it's got ponies"!! They even had it in my size, then I realised it was a playsuit not a dress. My mother wouldn't even let me try it on-30 years old and she's still saying what I can and can't wear! She's probably right though, it was quite short and I doubt I would've gotten away with it-I was pretty pissed at that though because the fabric was so great.

I did get a little black dress, nothing exciting but quite cute. To be honest I don't think I'll be purchasing much this season. I'm not keen on most of the catwalk looks, aviator jackets, military detailing and khaki aren't really my thing! Seeing as the clothes were pretty crap, I headed straight to the jewellery in search of that ring I posted last week. To my surprise I actually found it and it fits (there's one side smaller than the other).

They actually had several animal things that I picked up including this bird brooch. My favourite-the super sweet, tiny little bling mouse that I've named Milly. A wasp ring which is quite small but cute. Plus this hare ring that I absolutely adore-joint favourite with Milly. You have to be careful though as some things border on the tacky side! There was a kingfisher necklace in lilac and pink but I decided it looked a bit cheap, (maybe with the right outfit though-don't want to offend anyone who has it!).

I also got these things...a black plastic bow hairband, really heavy ball ring, cameo ring with butterfly and flower, huge beaded bracelet and pearl bow brooch. I also got some new black leggings (for £3!!). The whole lot came to just over £30 (dress was £11)-can you imagine what that would have cost me in Topshop!