Friday, 25 September 2015
Irregular Choice True Love Heart Heels
In my last post I mentioned I ordered the latest concept heel from Irregular Choice and I've been eagerly awaiting their arrival today (the posty kept me waiting). The more I've seen of them (all) this week, the more they've appealed to me. I thought they were "nice" at first, but they've grown on me so quickly, to be "gorgeous" by today! They are so, so beautiful and have loads of lovely details which make them so typically "Irregular Choice". Some of you know that I was a bit perplexed as to how to style them though, as my last few character heel releases have involved rather monumental settings for photos (which have grown more flamboyant each time). I feel like it's my signature now and you've come to expect it, so I didn't want to let you down! Flowers or hearts were obvious to me, but I couldn't think of much else. However inspiration struck yesterday and I planned this amazing shoot, which as usual, was heaps of fun to set up (not so fun to tidy up). Thanks to my sister for lending me several 'props'. She perfectly understood and shared my vision for a kitschy, teen, vintage, heart-throb set-up. I've been teasing you with photos on Facebook and Instagram all day (follow/add me if you haven't seen them yet) so here are the shoes in all their glory. I imagine Donny Osmond* "Puppy Love" is playing whilst you read this (*before my time too)!
haul shoes
irregular choice
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Irregular Choice AW15 Special Editions
Following on from the dice heels last month, Irregular Choice released another concept (rather than character) heel today. There's 6 to choose from and each statement heel, holds a very special feature!

irregular choice
star wars
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Comparison: Irregular Choice Tall Tail
I thought you might be interested in seeing how my Irregular Choice Tall Tail platforms measure up to other shoes in my collection. It can be quite hard to grasp the size of them, when they're standing alone in a photo. So I figured you might own some of these or be able to gauge their size in comparison to known styles (not just Irregular Choice). I have some heels that come close, but the massive platform is really what sets them apart. I've included links to the individual The Shoe Girl Diaries posts for most styles, so you can see how they look on the foot too (you might not have seen them before as some are quite old). You can see more detailed photos of Tall Tail in this post or how they look on the foot here and also a video walking in them. The platform is 6" and heel 8 1/4".
dan sullivan
irregular choice
jeffrey campbell
markus lupfer
new look
Monday, 14 September 2015
My Top 10 Irregular Choice AW15
I feel this post should come with the sub-heading "so far"!! The initial Autumn/Winter drops launched in stores and online several weeks ago, but there's plenty more to come, so this isn't my definitive list! I thought I'd choose my favourite ten styles from those we've seen so far and here they are (in no particular order). 
irregular choice
Friday, 4 September 2015
Irregular Choice: Tall Tail
A couple of days ago I showed you my Tall Tail unicorn platforms from Irregular Choice over on The Shoe Girl Diaries for Shoesday Tuesday. If you haven't already seen that post, it's worth checking out after this, because it's obviously quite hard to visualise how shoes like this look on the foot. I've also uploaded a YouTube video walking in them, tilting, standing on one foot etc because I thought that would be helpful to see. I spoke about how easy all that was, but today, I'm taking a closer look at the actual shoes.

haul shoes
irregular choice
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