Ah, it's that time of year again. Beautiful blue skies, sun's out, jackets off, sunglasses on, bare legs, sandals, yep even in Scotland, we've had a glorious couple of days (after freezing our bums off recently, but that's British weather for you) and we're all daring to ask "is summer
really here?". I hate this time of year though, because I get serious FOMO. I long to be out there enjoying it too. People often say "oh the winter must be so tough on you"...yeah, snuggled up inside with my cosy blanket, the heating on, cups of warm tea and the gigantic chocolate stash whilst it's snowing, icy, windy and freezing outside, errr no, I know where I'd rather be! Yes I dislike the very long dark days, but I have no desire to go out on days like that. I'm usually pretty thankful that I'm safe and warm inside. That said, I'm not a massive summer fan. Last year was far,
far too hot for me and I know people in this country are horrified if you dare diss good weather (because it's not often we get it), but it's the truth, I'm no sun-worshipper. I don't cope well in the heat and go out of my way to protect my skin from
burning tanning in the sun because of the harm it does. I get tired much more easily in the heat, find everything more taxing when I'm hot, it's difficult to sleep and trying to stay cool becomes my main life mission (bless you Dyson fan, you saved me last year) and I can't focus on anything but that. However, on days like this (it's about 21 outside) or when it's bright, sunny, slightly breezy, but most of all dry, I get serious envy of people revelling in that.