If you think your product would be of interest to me and my readers then please email me (green envelope button below) or get in touch through my social media. 99% of products sent do get coverage (time permitting), but I like to thoroughly test beauty products before writing my assessment, so please keep this in mind. Reviews are honest and I don't wish to be pressured into writing a positive review for something that didn't work for me, as it's misleading.
While it's lovely to be invited, I'm based in Scotland, so cannot attend London events. Since 2002, I have been ill with M.E. and disabled as a result, so even those closer to home are currently unlikely. I receive a great deal of emails each day regarding this and unfortunately do not have the time to reply to each one.
Guest Posts
All content on this blog is my own, so I do not accept guest posts. Unfortunately I do not always have time to reply to emails of this nature.

Affiliate Links
I aim to provide full transparency on my blogs. Some links used on this site are affiliated (and generate a small commission when purchases are made through them, with no extra charge to the customer), this is mentioned at the bottom of corresponding posts. Sidebar banners and adverts on my Shopping Links page are also affiliated, as are most links used on my social media. To keep in line with current rules regarding affiliate blogging, as of 2019 all blog posts using affiliate links will say so at the top of the post. All sidebar adverts and content on my Shopping Links page, is affiliate marketing. All Facebook affiliate links will be declared as such. I currently do not use affiliate marketing on Instagram.
Occasionally items are sent for review purposes or coverage and as of February 2012, they were noted with a * and/or declared as such in that post. Reviews are impartial and honest, regardless of whether an item was purchased by myself or 'gifted'. Although I have always been honest about whether an item was gifted or not, to adhere to ASA/CMA rules, as of 2019, items sent for free in which I'm not obligated to share on my blogs/social media, but can do if I choose, are marked as "gifted" on blogs (at the top of the post) and declared on social media. Items sent for free in exchange for a review or exposure on social media are declared as such (usually wording such as "item gifted for review consideration" again at the top of a blog post) and declared on social media. In the rare circumstance a fee was paid on top of this, this would also be declared. These rules apply to products for a year after they were gifted (even if they appear not as the main focus in a photo/post).
I prefer not to publish content that seeks a lot of brand approval and especially where photos and/or words are not my own, so I would have to decline those offers. I've built up a reputation for being transparent and honest in my reviews, so would not want to jeopardise that by handing over creative control to someone else.