Remember my Iron Fist Care Bear shoes post a while back? Well in the background of those photos I used the Clouds Of Caring oversized tote bag I'd won in an Instagram competition, but I thought I'd post it separately here, so you could see it in more detail.
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Iron Fist Care Bears Tote Bag
Remember my Iron Fist Care Bear shoes post a while back? Well in the background of those photos I used the Clouds Of Caring oversized tote bag I'd won in an Instagram competition, but I thought I'd post it separately here, so you could see it in more detail.
care bears
haul accessories
iron fist
purple heels
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Disney Frozen Colour Match Bag
I won this Disney Frozen Colour Match Bag in a competition last month and I don't exactly have much need for a plastic toy bag, but the box was too bashed to donate as a gift. I'll likely give it to one of my friends who have girls, next time I see them, though if my nephews see it first, I'm sure they'll be off with it!

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Schuh Crazy Glitter Shoes
Hello lovelies, it's been shoes galore recently, hasn't it? If you can manage high heels, then these are your Christmas shoes sorted. Glitter-tastic!
haul shoes
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Soap & Glory It's The Whole She Bang
I thought you might be interested in seeing my Soap & Glory It's The Whole She-Bang set I got yesterday, rather than stock photos. I wrote about the contents in this post the other day so shan't repeat all the details here, but it's the Star Gift of the week at Boots until Thursday.
haul bodycare
haul cosmetics
haul skincare
soap glory
Friday, 11 December 2015
Irregular Choice Christmas Heel Comparison
Today is the final part of my review for the Christmas character heel releases from Irregular Choice. I'll be comparing the green Trixy unicorn, white Bunnykins bunny and Rudy or Rudolph reindeer Santa heels. For more details on each shoe, see those individual posts, but I thought it might be helpful to see them alongside each other.

haul shoes
irregular choice
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Irregular Choice Trixy Christmas Unicorn Heels
In the final part of my Irregular Choice Christmas character heel haul, I'm looking at the Trixy unicorn heels. If you've missed them, here are the links to Bunnykins bunny heels and Rudy Santa heels. Trixy are a style we've previously seen when the gold mirrored unicorn heels launched. They came in coral, black or turquoise. This time there was two colours to choose from, each with a different heel. The purple pair came with that same gold heel, whereas the green pair I bought featured a completely new 'colour changing' heel.

haul shoes
irregular choice
Soap & Glory Half Price Star Gift
Calling all Soap & Glory fans, it's that time of year we've been waiting for. You'll probably be able to guess from that intro before I say anything else, but if not, the BIG S&G gift set will be half price in Boots this week as their 'Star Gift'. Read on for all the details.

soap glory
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Irregular Choice Bunnykins Bunny Heels
In the second part of my Irregular Choice Christmas shoe haul, I'm looking at the Bunnykins bunny heels. These came in a choice of two colours, black or white, I got the latter. You can see my previous review of the Rudy or Rudolph Santa heels in this post.

haul shoes
irregular choice
Monday, 7 December 2015
Irregular Choice Rudolph Santa Heels
I'm over the head with work just now, so rather than make you wait days for these photos and reviews (which I know you're dying to see), I've split them into more manageable, separate posts and will blog one each day. I took the photos yesterday when my order arrived, but as I began the always daunting task of whittling them down and editing them, it became apparent I wasn't going to get it all done today (I'm sure you can imagine), so I'm beginning with Rudy or Rudolph (more on that later).
haul shoes
irregular choice
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Irregular Choice Christmas 2015 Release
On Friday Irregular Choice released several limited edition character heeled shoes for Christmas. Santa was back in the form of Rudy, with brown furry Rudolph reindeer uppers, complete with antlers, shiny red nose and googly eyes. The original and much loved bunny was also back as Bunnykins, reinvented in black or white glitter. The uppers in coordinating lace with a sparkling bow. The Trixy unicorn heels also made a return in green or purple with a sequins bow. The green pair feature a brand new heel colour, in two tone metallic, shifting from purple to green in the light, with a gold glitter horn. The purple pair have the gold mirror metallic heel and the sequins on the bow can be turned over from matte black to shiny pinks and purples.

haul shoes
irregular choice
Bratz: Selfiesnaps Cloe
You probably haven't heard of Bratz for some time now (and there's good reason for that), but I bought one a couple of months ago. I wouldn't call myself a big Bratz follower, but I do own quite a few Yasmin dolls. I felt they were geared more towards a younger audience and were a bit 'kiddy' for me. My sister loves cutesy stuff, so she collects Jade and has practically every one, as well as a few others (literally hundreds). As I said, they took a break and this was due to a bitter beef between Barbie and Bratz (well Mattel v MGA), which concluded with a massive court battle costing several hundred million dollars, that took 8 years. I'll be honest and say I thought the whole thing was ridiculous. The short version is, an employee at Mattel left and started up Bratz and Mattel felt they 'owned' the concept because the designer had thought it up when he worked for Mattel and thus they were entitled to the millions Bratz had made. That's how it started, but it escalated into stolen "secrets" and confidential information, spies (from Mattel), counter-claims, court decisions which were reversed, reversed again and again and a whole lot of mud-slinging. My take is that Bratz were this completely new concept, as un-Barbie-ish as you could get at that point, with their exaggerated features, huge shoes and denim, black or camouflage clothing. There was nothing remotely resembling the taller, older and pinker than pink Barbie. Bratz were based around a group of friends (with different skin and hair colours) and came with pets and nicknames. They were 'cool' and hip and of the time and I think there was a little resentment there from Mattel. Anyway Bratz took a break and tweaked a few things and are back with several new releases this year.
the entertainer
the toy shop
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Irregular Choice: Swan Lake Bag
As promised here is a closer look at my latest Irregular Choice purchase, the Swan Lake handbag from the Autumn/Winter collection. You can see it along with my others of this style here if you missed it.

haul accessories
irregular choice
Friday, 27 November 2015
Irregular Choice Bags
Hola chickies! I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the "Black Friday" stuff this week. It wouldn't be so bad if it was a one day event, but the UK seem to have adopted a week or two of offers with a couple of weeks, pre-promotion/warning approach! My inbox has never been so full! By the time I sift through all of those and work out which places are trying to pass off old sale stock as a BF promotion and the genuine deals I may be interested in, there hasn't been much time for anything else. I had a delivery of the most gorgeous shoes and bag from Irregular Choice this week though and managed to get some photos taken (though it was practically dark, even mid-morning). I have more detailed images of the bag coming at the weekend, but thought you'd like to see all my bags I have of that style. It was even darker this day, so the images aren't great. Plus it's really difficult to photograph a big group of things I've realised, it always looks messy or not quite right, but at the same time you want them all in the photo because it looks good!
haul accessories
irregular choice
Monday, 23 November 2015
Irregular Choice: Truly Magical
Never before has the name of a pair of shoes seemed so fitting. These shoes are truly magical. Actually the whole Irregular Choice Autumn/Winter collection is this year. I'm torn on picking 'favourites' or even narrowing down my wishlist to any sort of feasible or achievable length! After Tiny Ted (still haven't properly shown you them, have I?), these were the next pair on my list. Though now I have them in the flesh, I definitely couldn't choose between them and the teddies, they are both stunning.

haul shoes
irregular choice
Friday, 20 November 2015
Lancome The O Beauty Set Christmas 2015
For years now, I've bought the Lancome beauty box that comes out at this time of year. With me not being well last year, not getting out, not wearing makeup and the box not being overly exciting (!) I didn't get it. I was itching to see if it had improved this year and am pleased to say, it's brilliant! So I ordered it the second it came online, but it's going to be from Santa, though he agreed I could take photos for my blog and then he'd take it away again until the big day! Thanks Santa!

haul cosmetics
haul skincare
makeup brushes
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Paperchase Christmas 2015
Like I mentioned last week, I have a series of Christmas themed items to blog about. Today, it's decorations. I have a deer obsession. You should know this before we begin and not judge me on it! I had a little white glitter figure my sister bought me last Christmas from Paperchase. She came home with a Gisela Graham fluffy one from her work a few months ago (and three for herself-must run in the family) and once I saw them altogether, I requested she get the other two colours for me too and now I've bought several from Paperchase. It doesn't stop there, I just got a Christmas deer cushion and matching towel, duvet cover, cardigan, fluffy handbag....!
Monday, 16 November 2015
Irregular Choice Forest Fantasy Bag
My internet was going unusually slow this morning, so I decided to restart. Bad idea. It started doing Windows updates (which I assume is the reason it was lagging), then when it eventually (like an hour later) finished, it said there was an error and one update didn't complete. So again, I made the mistake of retrying. Another hour and a half, then constant updating/restarting for no joke, an additional 2 hours and it was over! It said it was an upgrade (not update) for Windows 10 which worried me a bit (that I was going to lose everything and that I've always had Windows 10 on this laptop so why would I need the same thing) and certainly it took just as long to install, as when I first got it. Anyway, that's why I'm blogging late, because I've stared at a computer screen and jiggled the mouse around all day and couldn't get on with anything! Frustrating, but worse things could happen. Today I thought you might like to see the Irregular Choice 'Forest Fantasy' bag I bought the other week.

haul accessories
irregular choice
Friday, 13 November 2015
Iron Fist Care Bear Shoes
Remember a few weeks ago, I was styling pieces from the new Iron Fist AW15 collection on The Shoe Girl Styles It? You'll likely recall then, that this season includes an amazing Care Bears collaboration. Yes, those 80's cuddly bears are back and you can find them on shoes, accessories and clothing! Previously Iron Fist had an epic hook-up with My Little Pony, which lasted several years and this new launch is sure to be just as popular with those of us that grew up in that era. I was lucky enough to win one of the new tote bags on Instagram from Purple Heels (more details further down of their latest giveaway). As a reasonable newbie to Instagram, it was my first contest entry, so I was very excited!

care bears
discount code
haul shoes
iron fist
purple heels
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Arran Aromatics Christmas 2015
arran aromatics
review body
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Video: Irregular Choice R2D2
I tried to get some photos this week of my R2D2 heels (last day to save 20% today with code FAB20) for Shoesday Tuesday, but the lighting was terrible, so I'll have to re-attempt it this coming week. Instead I put together this video, so you could see how they look on the foot. I'm trying to make more of an effort with my YouTube channel after neglecting it for a long time. I said this last time, but it's much easier with my webcam now and I find these little shoe videos easier to produce, so do let me know if it's the type of thing you'd like me to continue to do.
haul shoes
irregular choice
star wars
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Swatches: MUA Matte Lipstick
Remember the MUA lipsticks I swatched a couple of weeks ago? Well another two I bought at the time, were these matte lipsticks. Again they cost £1 and they are currently on 3 for 2 and you get a free tote bag, which is even sweeter.

haul cosmetics
review lipstick
stash pics lipstick
swatches lipstick
Sunday, 1 November 2015
Irregular Choice: Star Wars R2D2
It's been a hectic couple of days with the launch of the Irregular Choice collection of Star Wars shoes. As always I wanted to bring you the photos as soon as possible (the shoes arrived yesterday), but I didn't want to rush the post last night and as midnight loomed, I instead opted for a good sleep (my neighbours throwing a Halloween party had other ideas)! I've been so busy with the blog and bloggy things lately, that I've been going to bed an hour later and getting up an hour earlier, so I've been feeling a bit frazzled. I spoke about the excitement and anticipation of this launch in my last post, which had been building for some time. On the day that turned to worry and stress that I perhaps wouldn't get the shoes I liked and it was also really sad for me, because I'd been invited to the VIP pre-launch, but couldn't go. Day to day I cope pretty well, but there are occasions when I'm reminded of how much being ill totally sucks and of the past 13 years this was definitely one of the hardest things to turn down! The atmosphere that day and also the opportunity to meet many of the lovely friends I've made blogging and sharing our love of shoes, is something you really need to experience in person and not through a computer screen, so I was hugely disappointed (actually gutted) that I couldn't be there and really sorry I had to miss it. That said, it's been lovely to see all the photos from the day and the bag-fulls of goodies you've bought, but hopefully one day we shall meet! Ok so onto the shoes, there was a lot of dithering, but I always knew if I could only get one style, R2D2 were probably the pair for me. A lot of people agreed and these were one of the first styles to sell out everywhere (just a size 3 left on that link, though keep checking to see if they get returns). 
haul shoes
irregular choice
star wars
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Irregular Choice: Star Wars Launch
After months of speculation and much anticipation, the time has finally come for the Irregular Choice 'Star Wars' collection. It's a huge collaboration which is likely to appeal to long-time Irregular Choice fans whilst reaching a whole new audience that probably didn't know such exciting and innovative footwear was possible! I'm in the camp of knowing very little about Star Wars, but the characters are so iconic, that they are instantly recognisable even to those that have never seen the films. My knowledge and experience of footwear on the other hand...well we all know that one! So what do we know about this special range?

irregular choice
star wars
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
How To: Decopatch Halloween Coffin
Ok, I can't take the credit for this, but my Mum is very crafty and this week she has been making some Halloween themed goodies and I asked if I might share one with you all. When she was looking after my nephews on Monday, they decorated polystyrene skulls and she's since made her own which are hanging in our conservatory. Yesterday I went to see what she was up to and here she was with a glitter pot, skeleton paper and a mini coffin! I was intrigued! This isn't a step-by-step tutorial because it's not complicated enough to require one, plus it would feel weird when I didn't make it myself, but this is honestly really easy to do and child friendly too.
monster high
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Irregular Choice Bear Shoes
Bears are rather prevalent in the Irregular Choice AW15 range, but actually when I look back at my collection, they've been a recurring theme over the years. I took these photos a couple of months ago (before another bear joined the gang) and count 14 bear print, heel, charm or otherwise shoes. I had no idea I owned so many! So I thought we'd take a closer look at my collection and also those from the new range.
irregular choice
stash shoes
Toy Shop Bargains For Christmas
I've recently made a start to my Christmas shopping, helped along by some terrific bargains at The Toy Shop (The Entertainer), which I couldn't keep to myself. They launch special discount deals in the countdown to Christmas, every Thursday and now that we're several weeks into it, there's plenty to choose from. I saved £75 on the Kre-O Transformers Autobot Assault Devastator, down to £24.99 from £99.99. I hadn't read it properly (too excited by the bargain) so had intended it to be for my youngest nephew, but it's for ages 8+ and contains 781 pieces (sorry sis), so I think it's a little too advanced for him, so am giving it to the middle one instead. You can construct different things like robots or trucks and hopefully it'll keep them amused and they'll all play with bits of it, without fighting! Plus the box is MASSIVE, so that in itself is exciting for them! I also couldn't resist the fantastic Lalaloopsy deals. The original big dolls are down to £10 (saving £17), the 'Littles' my favourite, are £6 instead of £15, as are the newer 'Girls', down from £20. Any of these look like a really substantial present, so they are great if you have kids (or adults) to buy for and are budgeting. I got a couple of Littles and a Girls for my sister.

the entertainer
the toy shop
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Irregular Choice Sole Directory
The other week when I had no internet all day, I decided to put my time to good use and photograph something for the blog. I'd really wanted to write a post on all the different box patterns Irregular Choice have ever produced, because I *think* I have them all. However the way we've had to move my shoes into the shoe room, it's been in dribs and drabs and the boxes have been packed away in groups up to the attic, so that's never been possible, which is a pity. So instead, I thought I'd photograph the soles.
If you haven't bought or seen Irregular Choice shoes before, you'll think that's a bit strange. However the soles are covered in pretty patterns or pictures, usually cute enough to rival the uppers and there's real excitement each season to see the new designs. Back in the day, the soles and boxes weren't changed as regularly as each season and often the soles didn't match the box. Nowadays we tend to get at least two new prints each year (Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter) and the boxes usually mirror the soles. I had no idea how physically demanding this 'little exercise' would be, I was literally shaking by the time I'd finished checking I had one of each to photograph and transferring them into another room. It's a hard thing to capture too, because the shoes (or boots) don't sit well (obviously) the wrong way round, but I managed to get around this by photographing in groups, though this photo just about captures each one I currently own. I also wasn't sure how squeamish you might be about seeing close-up photos of used soles. I'm not one for protecting them, I believe they are intended to be loved and worn, so they do show signs of wear.
If you haven't bought or seen Irregular Choice shoes before, you'll think that's a bit strange. However the soles are covered in pretty patterns or pictures, usually cute enough to rival the uppers and there's real excitement each season to see the new designs. Back in the day, the soles and boxes weren't changed as regularly as each season and often the soles didn't match the box. Nowadays we tend to get at least two new prints each year (Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter) and the boxes usually mirror the soles. I had no idea how physically demanding this 'little exercise' would be, I was literally shaking by the time I'd finished checking I had one of each to photograph and transferring them into another room. It's a hard thing to capture too, because the shoes (or boots) don't sit well (obviously) the wrong way round, but I managed to get around this by photographing in groups, though this photo just about captures each one I currently own. I also wasn't sure how squeamish you might be about seeing close-up photos of used soles. I'm not one for protecting them, I believe they are intended to be loved and worn, so they do show signs of wear.
irregular choice
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Swatches: MUA Lipstick
I know, I know, what is this? A beauty post? Surely not! It's definitely been a long time since we've had one, mostly down to me not wearing makeup. I feel kinda sad when I see all my pretty palettes and lipsticks, sitting unused, but writing about them and not having the energy to use them is worse. Avoidance, I'm good at that apparently. Well I took these photos in the summer after a little makeup haul. Obviously I'm rarely buying makeup these days, because it seems silly to, but these were mega cheap and I saw them online and thought I'd give them a try. I was getting a free palette or something at the time...there's no offer on them currently, but they are £1 each. As my Mum would say "you cannae go wrong with that"!

haul cosmetics
review lipstick
stash pics lipstick
swatches lipstick
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Irregular Choice: Character Heelstory
Have you ever wondered which heel is the highest, which character had the most releases, when they started or just how many different heels there's been? Well this fun (but informative) post contains everything you'll ever need to know about the Irregular Choice character heels. Though the history may be brief, there's a lot that's happened in that short period and it's all documented here. I've taken photos of every single character (and concept) heel I currently own. You've perhaps seen them individually, but I've never gathered them together for a group photo before. I've also linked to my previous posts (they open in a new window, so you won't lose your place here) for you to see the shoes in more detail if you haven't before and included some current 'in stock' links if you wish to add to your own collection. 
Friday, 25 September 2015
Irregular Choice True Love Heart Heels
In my last post I mentioned I ordered the latest concept heel from Irregular Choice and I've been eagerly awaiting their arrival today (the posty kept me waiting). The more I've seen of them (all) this week, the more they've appealed to me. I thought they were "nice" at first, but they've grown on me so quickly, to be "gorgeous" by today! They are so, so beautiful and have loads of lovely details which make them so typically "Irregular Choice". Some of you know that I was a bit perplexed as to how to style them though, as my last few character heel releases have involved rather monumental settings for photos (which have grown more flamboyant each time). I feel like it's my signature now and you've come to expect it, so I didn't want to let you down! Flowers or hearts were obvious to me, but I couldn't think of much else. However inspiration struck yesterday and I planned this amazing shoot, which as usual, was heaps of fun to set up (not so fun to tidy up). Thanks to my sister for lending me several 'props'. She perfectly understood and shared my vision for a kitschy, teen, vintage, heart-throb set-up. I've been teasing you with photos on Facebook and Instagram all day (follow/add me if you haven't seen them yet) so here are the shoes in all their glory. I imagine Donny Osmond* "Puppy Love" is playing whilst you read this (*before my time too)!
haul shoes
irregular choice
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Irregular Choice AW15 Special Editions
Following on from the dice heels last month, Irregular Choice released another concept (rather than character) heel today. There's 6 to choose from and each statement heel, holds a very special feature!

irregular choice
star wars
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Comparison: Irregular Choice Tall Tail
I thought you might be interested in seeing how my Irregular Choice Tall Tail platforms measure up to other shoes in my collection. It can be quite hard to grasp the size of them, when they're standing alone in a photo. So I figured you might own some of these or be able to gauge their size in comparison to known styles (not just Irregular Choice). I have some heels that come close, but the massive platform is really what sets them apart. I've included links to the individual The Shoe Girl Diaries posts for most styles, so you can see how they look on the foot too (you might not have seen them before as some are quite old). You can see more detailed photos of Tall Tail in this post or how they look on the foot here and also a video walking in them. The platform is 6" and heel 8 1/4".
dan sullivan
irregular choice
jeffrey campbell
markus lupfer
new look
Monday, 14 September 2015
My Top 10 Irregular Choice AW15
I feel this post should come with the sub-heading "so far"!! The initial Autumn/Winter drops launched in stores and online several weeks ago, but there's plenty more to come, so this isn't my definitive list! I thought I'd choose my favourite ten styles from those we've seen so far and here they are (in no particular order). 
irregular choice
Friday, 4 September 2015
Irregular Choice: Tall Tail
A couple of days ago I showed you my Tall Tail unicorn platforms from Irregular Choice over on The Shoe Girl Diaries for Shoesday Tuesday. If you haven't already seen that post, it's worth checking out after this, because it's obviously quite hard to visualise how shoes like this look on the foot. I've also uploaded a YouTube video walking in them, tilting, standing on one foot etc because I thought that would be helpful to see. I spoke about how easy all that was, but today, I'm taking a closer look at the actual shoes.

haul shoes
irregular choice
Monday, 31 August 2015
Clarks Orla Kiely Beryl Shoes
I unexpectedly had some "time off" this weekend, waking up on Sunday to discover we had no internet connection and indeed no phone-line. A great excuse for able-bodied people to get on with other things, but not being able to, I was left in limbo. My family were out for the day (but brought back a new phone), so I showered, then took blog photos (not in the shower, of bloggy things)! Not sure what use it was, as I edit all my photos online, so couldn't actually do anything with them! I kept finding things to do, but they always required the internet at some point. I didn't realise how physically demanding photography could be, when you're moving subject matter around (shoes) and contorting yourself into strange poses (feet/shoe shots), something I used to find a lot easier when I was doing it almost daily, but now with my limited ability, it's rather strenuous. Clearly I'm hopeless at switching off and/or relaxing and need to be doing something! Anyway I'm feeling the effects today, very sore and barely able to walk and now have hundreds of photos to sort through! Thankfully after a few frustrating phone-calls back and forth last night and this morning, we now have a connection (and didn't need a new phone after all). So onto the shoes and I bought these a few weeks ago, after ogling them for months. You might even recall I styled the other colourway on The Shoe Girl Styles It months ago.

haul shoes
orla kiely
Monday, 24 August 2015
Irregular Choice: Poker Joker Dice Heels
I'm back with another super cute photo-shoot to debut the latest statement heel from Irregular Choice. Not a 'character' this time, but dice (I refuse to say "die" because I hate that plural)! I quite like dice, with my Blythe & Irregular Choice spotty boots one of my favourite pairs, with their little dice charms on the laces. My Mum would jump in at this point to say I LOVE dice, after I stuck a miniature one up my nose when I was little. The more upset I got, the more I sniffed it back up. Hilarious now, but at the time, I doubt it was for either of us! I'll never live that one down! Anyway, there were two styles in two different colours, so four in total. Poker Joker that I bought, were also available in plain black or Throw A Six, a court shoe (kinda like Hearts On The Line from summer) in black or red. I really felt there wasn't a "bad one" among them, they were all lovely, but yes, sequins won for me. I must admit, I wasn't as excited about them as I was with Squeezy last month (because they felt like they were made for me), but that all changed when they arrived today.
haul shoes
irregular choice
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Paperchase Princess Range
discount code
Monday, 17 August 2015
Irregular Choice: Dollface & Cuckoo Bags
As you're aware, my collection of Irregular Choice handbags has grown considerably over the past year or so. I really must take a group photo, once I have them all contained in the one room! This week I added another two styles from the amazing flash sale they held briefly. I was lucky that I was already browsing the site pre-announcement, so had added the bags to my basket as I'd had my eye on them for ages, then checked to see if there was anything else. Although it hasn't stopped me buying completely, I really have to limit my shoe sales these days due to lack of space, so despite the brilliant bargains to be had, I resisted and left them for someone else! Granted there were a few pairs I'd have bought had they been in my size though!
haul accessories
irregular choice
Monday, 3 August 2015
Irregular Choice: Squeezy Bear Heels
I was really excited when the postie arrived with a parcel for me this morning. My Irregular Choice Squeezy shoes already! I wasn't expecting them so soon and thought this week would drag waiting for them (and a laptop I kinda spur-of-the-moment bought at the weekend-to hopefully end my computer woes). So, I quickly had breakfast and got to it, with possibly the cutest photo shoot I've gotten to do for the blog. I like when I can throw weird and wonderful things into the mix instead of 'straight presenting' something, so I hope you enjoy the photos.
haul shoes
irregular choice
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Irregular Choice: Squeezy Bear Heel Preview
Tomorrow sees the release of the latest character heels from Irregular Choice and we've been given a sneak peek. I'm going to sound like a talent show judge and say I don't like them.....I LOVE them! I am genuinely so excited about this release. I might have stared at the email for an entire hour yesterday, drooling, then forcibly made myself log out!
irregular choice
Thursday, 23 July 2015
The Final Panda: Irregular Choice Tian Tian
If you cast your mind back to March, you'll maybe recall the release of the 'panda' heel from Irregular Choice. Now I tried three different styles, until I found a pair I was satisfied with. I began with Pin Yin in yellow and black and sent back both, because they weren't quite right for me. Then came Tian Tian, much more subtle, available in black or salmon pink. I immediately knew the pink were for me, but unfortunately they weren't released here, only available on Asian/US sites. So I bought the black, which don't get me wrong are lovely, but I was still hankering after the other colour. I'd given up hope of ever getting them, when one day in May (after the sick bug), I found them, available in the UK! Imagine my horror when the only size out of stock was the one I wanted. I don't know how many days they'd been on the site, but I was gutted that I'd missed them. You know I love a good stalk though, so I signed up to the stock notification and it became my 10+ times a day check. The email alert actually didn't come through, but my hard work eventually paid off as one size 6/39 appeared (even luckier I had 20% off that day too). So I'm happy to report I do now own the lovely pink Tian Tian that I always wanted.
haul shoes
irregular choice
Monday, 20 July 2015
Paperchase Pony Party
I have to thank my sister for the heads up on this one. Stickers and notebooks are to her what shoes mean to me. Basically she's obsessed and quite the expert. It truly baffles me as to why anyone would require so many sheets of paper, multi coloured pens or stickers and how one would keep track of such a collection. However, she thinks the exact same thing about my nude lipsticks and heels, so I guess I shouldn't question it! Paperchase is one of her favourite haunts and she often buys pretty pens and notebooks for my birthday. She was super, duper excited when she saw that their upcoming release involved unicorns (my favourite) and had me poised, ready to buy, the second it came out! She's been stalking our local store to see what they have too and I've spent an absolute fortune (though have a lot to show for it) with 3 online orders and one instore. All within a couple of weeks. It's expensive liking unicorns these days!
Monday, 13 July 2015
Why I'll Always Be Irregular
I mentioned last week that I will be blogging about Irregular Choice at least once a week on each of my blogs. I'll be discussing upcoming and latest releases, sharing new purchases, styling IC in The Shoe Girl Styles It and of course wearing them in Shoesday Tuesday. Today though, I've decided to write a little more freely and go outside my usual structure. This post actually began a few months ago in response to negative comments regarding a new Irregular Choice collection, but sat in my drafts folder unfinished (I rarely like to hit publish on an angry post). So, I've changed it into an appreciation of the brand to coincide with my new blog feature.
irregular choice
Saturday, 11 July 2015
New Irregular Choice Eternal Friend Unicorns
Hello, how have you all been this week? I've updated The Shoe Girl Diaries with what's been happening, but if you haven't read it, I'm back to blogging (hopefully). There's been loads going on since we last spoke that I wanted to blog about and I've bought a few things in the sale (and some non-sale stuff), but those posts take a little longer to prepare, so I'll get to them at some point. Actually I was taking photos of shoes for the blog today and a not funny thing happened. A rather speedy spider ran at me from across the room mid-shoot. I have no shame in admitting I'm the biggest wuss when it comes to eight legged creatures, so obviously rather than kill capture it, I ran! I plucked up the courage to sneak back in and saw it disappear behind a pile of stuff, so grabbed my camera, picked the shoes up off the floor and shut the door (because all spiders use open doors to get in and out)!! So that was the end of the picture-taking and I'm never venturing back in there until it's caught. Big baby, yep! The dude should know the shoe room is a sacred "invitation only" mecca (though not sacred enough it can't be killed in there). Anyway, speaking of shoes, in my absence, these little pups were released.

irregular choice
Monday, 18 May 2015
Would You Wear...?
Would You Wear? is back, with a slightly different viewpoint, but more on that later. Before we start, we have to analyse our views on the ASOS crochet cape last time. You weren't impressed, with the general feeling being that it was a half finished garment with little purpose. 86.8% of you practically shouted that you wouldn't wear it! 7.9% would and two people were undecided, thinking they could maybe make it work. If your Granny finds the rest of the wool and finishes it of course! 
karl lagerfeld
very exclusive
would you wear
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Body, Why Do You Hate Me?
So I had a bit of a frustrating and sad yesterday, that involved a few tears, several times! I thought it might be cathartic to write it in a blog post and last week having updated my pages (About Me, FAQ, Disclaimer Policy)...after realising they were years out of date, I said I sometimes touched upon life with a chronic illness, so have held myself true to my word! Actually for the most part, I try not to talk about it-I guess I don't want to dwell on it and my blog is a sanctuary away from that, but sometimes in order to explain a blog-break, I've had to acknowledge things in my personal life are more complicated than I admit. So seeing as I'd been so busy with all that other stuff last week, I decided this week I was going to be ultra organised and really get into the blogging backlog that's been piling up. That was the plan anyway and by now I should know not to do that!

about me
Saturday, 2 May 2015
Would You Wear...?
Back with my new feature which made it's debut last week! That time, the cropped culottes/jumpsuit/crop top/cape thing seemed to have us all fretting about spilling something down it, clumsy lot we are! 73% wouldn't wear it, 13% would and the same amount were on the fence (no idea about the odd 1%). Read on for this week's Would You Wear...? and yet again I'm questioning "what is it"?

would you wear
Friday, 1 May 2015
SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag
So much for a more organised week, it's been very hectic so far and I've fallen behind with everything. I'm aiming to catch up tomorrow, but massive apologies for neglecting you all and my complete lack of blog commenting (I've missed reading what you're up to, so will get up to date this weekend). Anyways, I promised 'proper' photos of my SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears bag £28 and the reason I'm posting today, is because it's back in stock. Yes, go, go, go! It went quickly last time, so if you really want it, then don't dally.
clutch bag
haul accessories
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Would You Wear...?
Hello, I'm back with (hopefully) a new weekly feature! I'm going to choose a random, but somewhat questionable fashion item and ask you what you think, if you like it and whether or not you'd wear it. I myself buy things that my sisters wouldn't dare and they look at things in shops, I wouldn't even notice, so it's like a thinking out loud thing and I want your opinions, for fun! I am partnering up with my other blog The Shoe Girl Diaries to ask the same question, though there it will be specifically footwear we're discussing. So pop on over to see a strappy, pointed toe, mule this week, oh yeah! I'm going to embed a poll within the post (if I know how) so place your vote, but I'd like to hear your thoughts in the comments section too, especially if you opt for the 'maybe' category. Next week, we'll see whether you rated or slated this item.

would you wear
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