The beautiful Doe Deere of Lime Crime cosmetics. I bought both turquoise and violet hair dye last year for a little experimenting. I can't quite decide whether to colour the ends or add chunky streaks to the pink. After going pale pink last year or whenever it was, I'm keen not to have something so high maintenance (that needed redone every 2 weeks), my ideal would be pale pink or lilac with turquoise but I couldn't be arsed with the upkeep! I don't know, I've been deliberating for at least a year, so I must decide soon! Doe had beautiful red hair and has taken the plunge going pale blue and in this photo, I really think it suits her-the whole airy, fairy vibe of the image is perfect!
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Scottish beauty, shoe and chronic illness blogger (severe M.E. since 2002). Quirky shoe loving, Irregular Choice superfan with an addiction to K-drama and fondness for Korean/Japanese/Chinese culture/beauty. Makeup hoarder with a rediscovered love of fragrance, permanently seeking that perfect cool-toned, milky, taupe-nude lip.
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