So, did you see my Kandee shoes debut on The Shoe Girl Diaries? They arrived yesterday, (eventually) and are stunning. I have no idea when or where I'm gonna wear them, but they're certainly the type you can sit and stroke and feel like the world is a better place! I'm still sulking that I missed out on the blue dragee sandals, really sulking. I sent Kandee an email asking if there happened to be one pair of 39's anywhere (keeping in mind you have to purchase a size larger as that style are very small made), so they get back to me saying I should order (the only size left) a 41 as they are actually 2 sizes smaller. Had I known I needed to go up to a 40 (from a 38), I probably could've bought them when I got my Diamond courts from Secret Sales as I'm sure they had that size in stock. Too late now! I've seen a couple of new colours for them (gold and black I think) but they don't look as fabulous as the blue- that colour really 'made' those shoes! Please make more pastel shades (mint, lilac or baby pink would look hot!). Anyway, these are the soles of the Diamond courts and it's not glitter lacquer it's actual glitter pieces!!
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Scottish beauty, shoe and chronic illness blogger (severe M.E. since 2002). Quirky shoe loving, Irregular Choice superfan with an addiction to K-drama and fondness for Korean/Japanese/Chinese culture/beauty. Makeup hoarder with a rediscovered love of fragrance, permanently seeking that perfect cool-toned, milky, taupe-nude lip.
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