I know I've been heavy with the beauty posts lately, I certainly seem to go through phases of beauty or fashion, but here's another one anyway. There's a great LancomeGWP starting tomorrow in Boots, so I'm going to snap it up! When you spend £29, you get the free gift, but if you buy 3 things (one to be skincare) you also get 1000 advantage card points. Now I don't know why I'm so excited by this, because I have more money on my advantage card than in my bank, so it's hardly like I need the points, but 1000 points is £10, so who can pass that up? I think I'm going to get the Baume Eclat cleanser that I love so much and check out the O My Rose! spring makeup collection. I'm also going to look at the new 17 Candy Collection, I'm particularly drawn to the unusual pastel nail shades even although I suit darker or brighter colours!
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Scottish beauty, shoe and chronic illness blogger (severe M.E. since 2002). Quirky shoe loving, Irregular Choice superfan with an addiction to K-drama and fondness for Korean/Japanese/Chinese culture/beauty. Makeup hoarder with a rediscovered love of fragrance, permanently seeking that perfect cool-toned, milky, taupe-nude lip.
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