I haven't been on eBay for a while, but the other day I was browsing and added a good few pairs of shoes to my watch list. It turned out they were all from the same seller and all 5 pairs ended around about the same time. Now, I'm someone that normally gets quite stressed by the bidding frenzy that usually erupts in the last few minutes of an auction. My dad on the otherhand loves it (I think it's a man thing!), he says the adrenaline is going and he tends to leave bidding until the very last second, he has lots of theories and plans when bidding too. I tend to just get all worked up and worried that I'll lose and hate that panic that I feel. Today of course, with 5 items ending at the same time, I realised I had to have some sort of method, so I decided to prioritise. I narrowed them down to 3 pairs of shoes and had seperate windows open for them all. I was outbid on the first pair, the second pair went too high for me and I won the final pair! I had a little panic as I placed the bid on the last pair with about a minute to go and just had to sit and wait to see if anyone else would bid, but all in all I'm pretty happy as this is the pair I wanted the most.
They are beautiful Irregular Choice shoes in mermaid inspired colours. I already own the older pink leopard print style and they are very flattering, so I'm happy to get this new style at just over half the price they cost in Schuh.
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Scottish beauty, shoe and chronic illness blogger (severe M.E. since 2002). Quirky shoe loving, Irregular Choice superfan with an addiction to K-drama and fondness for Korean/Japanese/Chinese culture/beauty. Makeup hoarder with a rediscovered love of fragrance, permanently seeking that perfect cool-toned, milky, taupe-nude lip.
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