Today I have Faith In Dreams, another pair of Cinderella shoes from the Irregular Choice collection to review. I do have one more after this, though I didn't keep those and then I took the opportunity when I had all five to photograph them together and compare. I took these photos last year after the collection launched, so it was quite nice to familiarise myself with them this week. Faith In Dreams (FID) along with Call Me Cinders (which I reviewed here) and Believe In Magic all came in the same fabric, which was also used as the lining for all styles in this range, along with a small portion of the sole repeating the print. It almost turns the shoes into optical illusions with the outside blending with the inside! FID are a court shoe in the typical IC cortesan shape with wide toe box and bulbous, upturned toe which comes to a point. It perhaps sounds like an oxymoron, but is a shape synonymous with IC now.