For the past 10 years or so, bag styles have changed so much and into a shape and style I wasn't all that keen on (good for my bank account), so that 'obsession' fizzled out. I'm not a fan of big and slouchy (can't find anything in them and not my style) or multiple zips and the market was awash with designer, replica or 'inspired' pieces like that. I like clutches, structure, framed bags, vintage inspired 'Granny' bags if you will. I also like quirky prints or shapes, kitsch or pretty. So it's probably no surprise that I'm getting really into Love Moschino. My budget doesn't stretch to Moschino or the Cheap & Chic range of bags unfortunately, but the Love range suits me fine.
I adore the 'Charming' girls that adorn a lot of the LM range and there's usually plenty variations of them each season (you'll maybe recall my gorgeous satin clutch I got last year). I made no secret of the fact I fell in love with the gorgeous green one on ASOS (above) and finally got my hands on it the other month. It's got a real autumn/winter feel to it, with it's rich hues and almost paisley like floral background. I could spend ages looking at each and every girl, they just have so much charm and character! It has a silver frame, a longer chain handle or can be used as a clutch and I love the 'knobs'. I can often be found rather loudly exclaiming "look at these big knobbles" when browsing bags or purses instore! I do like to see big knobbles! These aren't massive, but are the perfect finishing touch. That bag is actually rather roomy, although I don't carry masses of stuff around with me. I also had my eye on one of the summery versions (below).
I ended up buying it directly from the Moschino store during the sale, after selling one of my other LM bags (probably the first time I've ever adhered to the 'one in/one out' policy). I'd seen this one in four colours; orange, blue and red, but the raspberry one appealed the most and I could only find it on that site. On the back is a bold floral print with Love Moschino scribbled and it has two woven chain shoulder straps. The two girls were exactly the same on all four variations, so thankfully my choice was purely which floral print I liked best. It has a flap front and clasp closure with this text on the inside pocket "Lovingly handcrafted and designed from the finest materials. Distinguished by time honored traditions uncompromising attention to detail." It's definitely more of a summer bag, although would look striking against an all-black outfit in winter.
Finally, a couple of weeks ago when shopping, my Mum found a handbag she loved. It was the only one of it's kind and when she pulled it out, this one (above) was nestled behind it. She thought I'd quite like the shape and structure of it. She was right and it immediately reminded me of the Prada pyramid bag which I worshipped, but could never afford at over £2000. It has the same soft, sloping sides and metal framework. This one is called 'Layla' from the J By Jasper Conran range at Debenhams and again it was the only one in the shop and not online so it must have sold out. It was £65 reduced to a bargain £19.50. I think you'll agree it looks much more expensive than that! It's a taupe/mink colour that is neutral enough to work with most of my wardrobe. I had a huge bag clear-out last summer and rearranged my collection at the time, so thankfully I had room for these new additions. What's your bag-life like? Do you wear one to death, then buy another or like a choice for each day or rotate them regularly? I literally match it to my outfit that day, but tend to get stuck with 2 or 3 on rotation at one time until I unearth some forgotten ones! I'm certainly not planning on buying more just now, I'm going to enjoy these.
Which color of the "Chuckles" did you get? I was so worried that I would miss when Irregular Choice put them up on their site, that I just ordered (actually my fiance ordered them as an anniversary gift)the pink ones from Shop Akira!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait 'til they arrive!
Black! Ah the pink/gold are US exclusives. Decided black was the 'sensible' option for me : )
DeleteI'm a huge bag/rucksack person otherwise I just can't contain all the rubbish I carry....
ReplyDeleteWas in Harvey Nichols last week and fell in love with an Alexander McQueen bag but sadly it was not meant to be...not in this lifetime anyway.I had to make do with holding it longingly then walking away.
Ah, oh how I hate the 'putting it back on the shelf and walking away' part! I'm never out of the house for long and don't get out every day, so only need a few items (phone, purse, makeup etc) in my bag hence why I can get away with smaller ones and clutches.