I spotted these lovely peep-toe boots (£14) in the Matalan catalogue that my Mum gets. They are up on the Matalan site now (although you can't buy online), so hopefully that means they are already instore. I really, really want them. Although my Mum would say I already own more peep-toe boots than one would ever need (she doesn't understand why boots should be toeless), I'm going to argue the case of these little beauties. I'm definitely skating on thin ice as far as buying more shoes is concerned, I've been threatened with eviction from my family more than once (oops!). So I think I need to get rid of several pairs (and make a fuss to anyone who'll notice "oh look that's 10 pairs I've got rid of"), so that I can buy more. Oh, the sneaky life of a shoe addict!
*edit* I decided I couldn't wait any longer for these and hot footed it off to my local Matalan this afternoon. After looking around the entire shop for the shoe department (which has moved), it's now at the front door (wasn't looking there!), I couldn't see them. There is a serious lack of footwear, only half of their usual stock. I then managed to find one random pair of these boots in a size 7 (I'm a 5). I can't believe I've travelled all that way and they don't even have them. I'm unsure whether there is only this one pair left or if they haven't properly put out new stock (perhaps this was a return from another store-it wasn't even tagged properly). Can anyone shed any light? I do hope I haven't missed out on them.
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Scottish beauty, shoe and chronic illness blogger (severe M.E. since 2002). Quirky shoe loving, Irregular Choice superfan with an addiction to K-drama and fondness for Korean/Japanese/Chinese culture/beauty. Makeup hoarder with a rediscovered love of fragrance, permanently seeking that perfect cool-toned, milky, taupe-nude lip.
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