I keep mentioning that I've gotten really into MAC makeup again and I've been buying quite a bit from their limited edition releases. This used to be my method all those years ago, I can easily be swayed by pretty packaging! I've been very aware lately of always opting for the sparkly gold gloss in releases, so I've put together four of my most recent ones, including one from the new Bronzing collection for Summer 2020. I love that release by the way. I popped a quick pic up on my Instagram stories last week, but I'm waiting to take proper photos as I still have one item on it's way to me.

All products apart from this first one are lipglasses (MAC's name for their regular lipgloss). This one being a Dazzleglass, which I haven't had in a long time. Dazzleglasses according to MAC are non-tacky, 3D shine with medium coverage, whereas lipglass are high coverage with a glass like shine. Dazzleglass have a brush applicator as opposed to the doe-foot sponge, but the same vanilla scent. I find they tend to be clear or a slightly tinted base with lots of glitter (not a pearly/frosty finish), but I'm not sure I've detected much difference in texture to regular lipglasses. They are maybe not as thick...it's been a while since I've worn mine, so I'm not sure! Anyway this one, Sprinkled In Twinkle came in one of the sets at Christmas time. I splurged big time on that launch. MAC usually get me with their festive releases, but I really went to town this year, getting the colour collection (Starring You) and several sets. This was the Sprinkle Of Shine kit, which came in gold (this one) or pink (I got both and am so glad I did) and inside a makeup bag was a brush, extra dimension skinfinish and the lipgloss. I was buying purely for the highlighters (especially as the highlighters in Starring You were so meh), actually I thought the ornate 143SES fan brushes were adorable too, but I was mainly buying for the powders! The lipglosses I needed like a hole in the head, but they are actually both really pretty. I've taken close up pictures of the neck of the tube too as the others are all really fancy, so obscure the actual gloss. You can clearly see this one though.

The oldest in my set today is Diamond In The Rough from Aladdin, which launched last year to coincide with the live-action movie release. I just really wanted one of each item to get all the lovely patterns (even all the boxes were different colours/patterns). I mean, look at that detailing, it's so pretty! In saying that, I've used these products so much in the past year.

The next one is Goldfinch, described by MAC as glossy high gold pearl. This was part of the 2020 Lunar New Year collection called Lunar Illusions. Chinese NY got me good with beauty products in January! I loved the Bobbi Brown release too, but the packaging on MAC is out of this world. It's super collectable, hard to bring yourself to use it kinda stuff! Again I wanted one of each thing and had to buy in bits when I had funds, hoping they wouldn't sell out!

Then the final one is the newest release, from the Bronzing collection which just launched last week. There was absolutely no swatches or information online anywhere when I placed my order, so I blindly bought Out Of This Pearl, described by MAC as clear with gold pearl. It was a toss-up between this and Summer Chromance, but I was worried that would lean too orange. This one has a completely clear base, so is the most true "gold glitter gloss" of the lot. I don't know why my tube looks so empty when I hadn't even swatched it prior to these photos. Anyway, onto the swatches...

The photos don't show the beautiful multi-coloured sparkles in some or generally just how dazzling they are, but I'll describe each one anyway. They are shown from left to right of the picture or bottom to top as above, so Sprinkled In Twinkle (SIT), Diamond In The Rough (DITR), Goldfinch (G) and Out Of This Pearl (OOTP) nearest my hand.

SIT is overall goldy coloured but with multi-coloured glitter and lots of it (though not as much as DITR). Unfortunately the photos don't pick up the colourful glitter in the swatches, but even in the tube it's hard to see in real life (but very apparent when swatched). It's less brassy or orange toned than DITR. DITR is the warmest here with an overall peachy-copper tone and multi coloured glitter which is packed in. This one feels like it's a bit thicker or has more of a frost finish to the others. G is the brightest of the bunch and more yellow toned than gold. The glitter is also bright yellow. OOTP is most similar to SIT in tone, but the base here is clear so it doesn't look quite as pigmented. The glitter appears more sporadic than all the others.

It's a pity the camera didn't pick up just how lovely the multi-coloured glitters are especially and overall how glitzy they can be, but you can see the difference between each one clearly alongside my descriptions. I think I can just about justify to myself that these are all different enough to own! Like I say, I do tend to buy more for the special packaging as collectors pieces, whilst still wanting to use the product, so I do aim for colours I'd wear as much as I can. I have tonnes more beauty posts on the way and will try and review that Bronzing collection as soon as I have all the bits, so you have the information before buying.

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