Thursday, 25 October 2018
Irregular Choice Disney: Bambi & Dumbo Teaser
Hello all! Good and bad news for you today. Bad news first, today is the last teaser post for Bambi and Dumbo, noooo! However the good news is, that's because the full collection launches tomorrow at Irregular Choice! Wowee, that snuck up on us quickly didn't it? You can find the teasers from last week, here and here and IC have definitely left the best until last, as I adore everything I'm about to show you.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Estee Lauder: GWP & Pure Color Love Lipstick Swatches
I was shopping the other week and there was a really nice Estee Lauder GWP in Debenhams. I had my eye on their Pure Color Love lipsticks, but my first choice, then second choice were both out of stock. I was really taken in by the sparkly ones, so got a white one instead (intended to be a topper over liner or another lipstick), but really had my heart set on the other two. The girl told me to take a photograph of the other ones I liked so I'd remember their names if I saw them elsewhere. I thought I had nothing better to do than go home and buy them online, but they were sold out everywhere I could think of. I kept torturing myself with that photo of the testers, but fast forward a couple of weeks and an email popped up about another GWP and lo and behold, they had the lipsticks I was after! I must admit to double and triple checking, because I thought it was too good to be true and I'd got the shade names muddled! However they arrived last week and are the ones I wanted. You'll be surprised because they are quite different for me (not nudes), but lately I've been veering away from lighter neutrals and opting for darker statement lips.

discount code
estee lauder
haul cosmetics
haul skincare
look fantastic
swatches lipstick
Friday, 19 October 2018
Irregular Choice Disney: Bambi & Dumbo Teaser
It's time for another sneak peek at the Irregular Choice Disney collection(s) launching next week. Click here to see an earlier reveal and read on for more from Bambi and Dumbo. 

irregular choice
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Irregular Choice: Scarves & Rings
In the second part of my Irregular Choice accessories post, I'll be showing you some of the recent scarf and rings. You can find my first post on tights and socks here. I've been buying IC scarves for a while and have amassed quite the collection now. Although I wear them a lot, I wouldn't consider myself a "scarf person". You know those people that always have a scarf draped around their neck? That's definitely not me or my style, yet I am using them regularly (I know what I mean in my head, just not sure I'm articulating it properly)! Despite them being quite thin, they can really warm you up on cooler days in or outdoors. Sometimes when I've got my jumper on and my blanket on and I'm still freezing, I've wrapped one of these around me as a shawl too. I also wear them on my head. You know I'm very fond of a headwrap and these are great to use for that as they are so big. I'm trying to think of something that they are a similar size to... a single bed almost! 

haul accessories
haul jewellery
irregular choice
stash jewellery
Monday, 15 October 2018
Irregular Choice Disney: Bambi & Dumbo Teaser
The latest Irregular Choice and Disney collaboration is due to hit soon and for the 9th collection, we are being treated to a double release. There will be shoes, boots, bags, purses and tights from both Bambi and Dumbo and today I have a first look at some of the collection.

Friday, 12 October 2018
Irregular Choice: Tights & Socks
Irregular Choice have always dabbled in accessories here and there, but for the past few years, we've seen a more steady flow of goodies in this department. I've gotten quite a few current season pieces and also from SS18, so thought I'd share them with you. I've split the post into two, beginning with hosiery.

haul accessories
irregular choice
Monday, 8 October 2018
Irregular Choice: Waikiki Review

Firstly I'd really like to apologise for the tardiness of this review. I actually took these photos at the beginning of May, not long after the shoes were released, but haven't had time to write the post until now. I'd hoped to get it out before going to London (for the Toy Story launch), but that well and truly didn't happen! Anyway hopefully this is a little sunshine to brighten up a dreich Autumn day. You know how I posted my Top 12 Irregular Choice shoes of 2017 the other day? I'm calling it now, that these will be in my 2018 favourites, I just love them. I'd unfortunately had to bypass all the new releases at the start of 2018 as I had no money. Then the announcement came of hula girl heels and it was one I knew I couldn't miss. I also got Hono Lulu in blue, which were my favourite until I saw the Waikiki shortly before their release at 12pm. This style was an Ashbury Skies exclusive, so only available through their website and Irregular Choice themselves.
haul shoes
irregular choice
stash shoes
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