Hello pumpkins! I noticed my 'blog hits' were down this weekend, quite considerably and no wonder, seeing as I've neglected you since last week! I've been feeling like poo, not in the mood for anything, completely uninspired, generally lethargic, migraines are back, hair is beyond a mess, diet has gone out the window, don't think I've shaved my legs in a fortnight and my nails haven't been painted for nearly 4 weeks-I'm going to the dogs I tell ya! When you feel like that, I never think the best thing you can do is write a blog as it just comes across as very depressing and lacklustre and nobody wants to read that! So, I'm going to attempt to spark myself up (hair
will get coloured this week) and I'll hopefully resume normal service...including Inspiretty, oh how I've missed it (perhaps there's a direct link between this and my mood?). So here's my New Look/LCF shoes I bought the other week, mahoosive aren't they?