My parents flight wasn't the only casualty of the gales yesterday. The gorgeous tree across the road from my house, which has such a beautiful shape was absolutely battered. It lost several branches and I watched a neighbour come home from work and drag branches out from his garden and place them back under the tree! He also checked his house because the tree was blowing scarily close to the upstairs window. It's so sad, because I really, really love that tree. You know when you're younger and you draw a tree? All fat and bushy and curved? That's exactly what this one looked like and today it just looks all bent out of shape, droopy, battered and sad. Unfortunately I could only find a photo I took a couple of winters ago (this tree is stunning covered in snow btw), so you don't really get the idea of how magnificent it was (plus it's grown super large in recent months). You have to lol at the poor guy on the bike in my video-can't believe he really kept trying against that wind! I thought it was calmer today until I went outside-I had several 'Marilyn' moments, dress up around my waist!! It's been really crazy!

Bye tree