By way of make-up I got a huge No7 vanity case filled with every lip and eye shade of No7 possible! I also got Bobbypin and Chilli Pepper lipgloss sets and the Jelly Pong Pong/Dainty Doll blush that I've been wanting for ages. Also a huge shout out to my friend Emily, who got me the sweetest tea set with handbags all over them. The little cup and saucer are perfect for my afternoon cuppy (and biscuit/cake), even the box is like a little handbag and adorable in itself : )
I also got these two lovely framed wallets (above and top) from Fluff (my Mum and sister obviously didn't communicate on who bought what), but they are totally stunning. I love the sexy shoes and prancing ponies and unicorns, so me! Thank you for all my wonderful gifts and although I was so exhausted by Christmas Eve that I literally couldn't talk or move, I did manage to have an enjoyable time.

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