One of my many concerns was that unlike previous character heel releases, I wasn't buying one or two pairs, I wanted a LOT (more on that later)! That means going back and forth between the shoes and adding the correct sizes to my basket, whilst other people are probably already checking out with one or two pairs and by the time I'd finished, they'd be gone. It's not like I'm inexperienced in battling virtually for limited edition shoes, but I'd never attempted it on such a grand scale. So I prepared for this event with the seriousness of someone hoping to qualify for The Olympics. Like my life depended on it! I spent more hours than I should probably admit to, sussing out sneaky photos of the styles long before any official teasers were shown. Infact, I'd managed to find 12 of the 17 styles beforehand. Yeah, the fact I found out there were 5 'unseen' pairs happened late in the game and blew my mind and plan, but I coped (more on that later too)! I find it difficult to choose between pretty things at the best of times, but this was only further hampered by the fact this was such a strong collection (I'd expect no less from Dan Sullivan and Irregular Choice by now). I didn't want them all just for the sake of it or to be greedy, I simply fell in love with everything I saw.
The only thing in my favour is my ability to turn into an utterly clumsy pleb in any shoe without a heel. I trip over my own feet. My balance is off kilter, to the point that even standing still is a struggle. I genuinely lose the understanding of placing one foot in front of the other in order to walk. I just can't lift my feet off the ground and I have no clue how to place them on the ground once they've taken that step. My legs ache. My not so massive size 5 feet look huge. Everyone including myself discovers just how short I am and what a lie I've been living my whole life in high heels. Like I say, it's valuable in this instance because the 4 beautiful sandals and pumps I'd ogled (and they were seriously gorgeous), wouldn't work for me and I could add them to the "no" pile and pat myself on the back for making adult decisions. Disregard everything before that last sentence and I totally did! So I was 'down' to 8 heels (well, so I thought). The teacup/teapot shoes and boots were two I wasn't prepared to discuss. They were must-haves for me. Everything and more that I'd expect of Alice themed footwear and so chaotically "irregular". You have no idea how giddy I get over a fancy boot, I don't even understand it myself, but it happens...and bows, damn the bows! Both Alice heels appealed and seemed so different to one another that you could justify the purchase of both. Could you really ignore the title character in her own collection when buying multiple pairs? I think Disney might have unwritten rules about that. Then there was the two white rabbit heels. They were whimsical and I've developed a hankering for pink shoes of late, anything sickeningly girly or Barbie-ish and I'm drooling like a 13 year old in the front row of a One Direction concert. I'm no mathematician but I realised quickly I'd just put 6 out of 8 on my virtual wishlist. The other two were also beautiful (honestly you won't find a dud here), Queen Of Hearts printed courts with mesh heart inserts, contrast patterns and images from the film on the toes. The knitted Cheshire Cat flats I'd fallen in love with also came in a heeled option, one I would actually be able to walk in. However both shoes had the flashing heart heel (remember True Love?) and already owning that pair, I felt I didn't need another style or two with the same heel no matter how different they were to those. Take note, another adult decision made and another 2 on the "no" pile. Yep I know, 6 "yes" shoes out of 12, 50%, half, yeah yeah, but could you choose between your babies? That's how this feels to me!
So I felt reasonably prepared for the launch. The chances were I could probably afford most of my wishlist. Yes, I still had no idea about sizing, other than my 'shoedoo sense' of deciphering the fit from looking at photos of them online. Shoedoo sense is unscientific and unreliable, though I do surprise myself with how accurate it can be on occasion! This method led me to decide to size up on them all besides the floral Alice (they looked quite shallow, like your foot would fall out if they were too big and that they'd be softer and therefore the easiest to stretch with wear), as I find too big shoes easier to fix than too small. At this point I wasn't even sure I'd keep all six, but I really wanted to try them and perhaps I'd dislike them in person (unlikely) and return the unwanted pairs (I feel mean just typing that). Then I found out there was another 5 pairs (no idea what) and that kinda put a kink in my well oiled plan of action. I likely couldn't add any to the chosen six, so would've had to *gasp* choose between my babies. Noooo, say it ain't so. I heard whisperings of possible price points and that the pearly rabbits were the highest at £340 (which was confirmed on the day). To be honest I found a slightly better photo of them very recently and they were starting to slip off the yes list anyway and certainly at £340, they were out of my league when I was buying others too (though I've since changed my mind again, they were absolutely stunning, but still out of my league when buying so many). I didn't find out what the other styles were until Friday morning and surprised myself by making decisions quickly about them. Ok three were flats, so that was easy and one was a black version of the pink bunnies (so another easy one, as I preferred the pink) and the other style though beautiful, felt like a less intricate version of the floral platforms and I loved their craziness, so could live without this 'new' pair too. I was still going for the 5 original pairs.
So Friday morning, I got up, washed, dressed, put on makeup (another thing I'm trying to get back into doing) and made it downstairs for 11am for breakfast, which I barely tasted because I ate it so quickly. My laptop decided to freeze or do some weird thing where I couldn't even put my password in (great start), but once I got on, I began sussing out those extra styles I hadn't seen and rather helpfully someone included a price list (pleasantly surprised at most to be honest). I was able to calculate if I had enough funds (short by a tenner, though I had a discount code for Schuh so hoped at least some of the styles could be bought from there and therefore I'd have enough) and I felt ready to 'battle'. The new Irregular Choice site even had a cool countdown thing so you knew exactly how many minutes and seconds remained. I logged into my accounts, had my card details ready, my discount code 'copied' ready to paste and after all these months building up to it, everything I could do had been done. My priority was to buy as many as possible from Schuh (every little helps) then the remainder direct from IC. I also had a backup list of other stockists, but as everyone was so tight lipped about this launch, we didn't know who was selling what. A couple of minutes before 12 o'clock the styles appeared on IC, though you weren't able to add any to your basket yet. 12 came and went and the IC site crashed. Full blown, no way of getting on the site, error message crashed. I didn't panic. Onto Schuh (I had so many tabs open I suspected crashing my own internet), no sign of anything. So I tried the other retailers to varying degrees of success. A few had none yet, others had some I wanted (the most was 3 styles from one site), but did I really want to buy them if I could get them cheaper at Schuh? No, not when I'm spending that much money, plus it as more of a hassle if I needed to return any. Everyone was reminded of how the same thing happened with the Star Wars launch (on the old site), but I'd been lucky in that instance that I wanted R2D2 and got them hassle-free from Schuh, so when the IC site crashed, I didn't even bother to look any further, happily knowing I'd secured the style I wanted and subsequently missing all the drama. On Friday, the IC site would flash up for a second then revert back to the error message. I have to admit I really wasn't overly stressed by this point, because I felt at least nobody could get any, it's not like they were selling out and it was just me that couldn't get on. Mum went into live chat on her Kindle with Schuh to ask what they were getting and when, as it was now half 12 and I was mindful of the clock. Schuh said they'd be up in 5-10 minutes, still nothing on IC or sometimes I'd get onto a shoe, but the 'add to basket' just kept spinning and never did anything. I never got to the point of anything being in my basket. I began to worry when the other shops started selling out. It took away my options and I was realising IC probably wasn't going to be back up and running before I had to go out. I tried to rationalise it to myself that it was "just shoes", but no, I've been preparing for this for months and was willing (and able) to spend literally every penny I had, so I wasn't going to be satisfied unless I got everything I'd been planning on. I haven't wasted the last few months for nothing! Schuh eventually put up 5 styles and I was disappointed to find only one off my list. My Mum was trying to calm me, because by now everything had gone from the other retailers in my size and again she spoke to someone (different) who said Schuh were also getting white rabbit, but there was a technical issue and it would likely be 1pm until they were up. I decided to go ahead and buy the one pair anyway, then by the time it took to checkout, I realised 1 o'clock was only 13 minutes away and I could 'bravely' wait and get the bunnies with them.
I'd had no lunch (I wasn't even hungry to be honest, shoe stress is a clearly a great appetite suppressant) and I really needed to pee, so did that (!) and organised my coat, shoes and bag, so I was ready to leave. When I got back the rabbit shoes still weren't online (after 1pm) and the pair I'd almost bought were down to two sizes remaining, so I didn't hesitate and got those. I was starting to gulp back the tears and I really don't cry easily these days, because it was dawning on me that everything would probably right itself once I had no computer access. All that planning couldn't have prepared me for this, it was out of my hands and I felt so deflated and disappointed about that, it had all been for nothing. As it was my first time out of the house in so long, Mum and I were going to go out for an ice-cream sundae and make the trip a little more fun and enticing, because it's been boring medical related appointments for me (other than the reunion) for over 2 years now. I blooming well deserve a little treat, but before we left the house, I said I just wanted to get back home as soon as possible and didn't want to go anywhere afterwards. I'm really disappointed in that too because I didn't have the opportunity to appreciate being out and seeing places I haven't seen in years, as my mind was elsewhere and I barely mustered up coherent replies to people pleased to see me out for the first time (I think they suspected I'd died)! The appointment seemed to drag on, but my prescription hadn't changed much and I could've picked new glasses if I wanted, but I refused as I wanted to get home asap. We got home reasonably quickly and I rushed in and opened the laptop, clicked on IC and Schuh and one thought that had run through my mind before leaving was, what if Schuh got the black rabbits? They were called the same thing, so it was possible. They had, so I knew I now had to find the pink ones elsewhere. On IC the website was working and I clicked on the boots first, gone in everything but one size. Not mine. Mum hadn't even got the wheelchair back in the house and I started sobbing. I couldn't help it. It was part disappointment, part temper and just utter heartbreak. I felt a little foolish because it's shoes, nobody died, but I was devastated to have to turn down the event in the first place, annoyed I'd missed out on getting outdoors to do something vaguely fun and now I didn't even have anything to show for what I'd been working towards all year. I checked all the other styles and was only moderately relieved to find 2 styles in stock in my size. It was short-lived, as neither had sufficient stock to add to my basket anyway.
Still half blubbering, I went on Facebook and saw somebody say Office had some Alice styles. I hadn't been sure if they'd get any in and certainly they had nothing at launch time. They had the sparkling Alice heels and the pink white bunnies in my size, so I got those. It was little consolation for the pairs I'd missed if I'm honest, the teapot boots being my favourite. I realise some places find more stock later and returns are made, but I'm sick and tired of stalking. It's hard work, doesn't always pay off and I've now developed 'absentee stalking' where I feel like I've constantly forgotten something if I currently have nothing to stalk. It's no fun. I'd been going to phone IC before I left on the off-chance they could do a phone order, but hadn't had time and couldn't get the number as the site wasn't working (!), so this felt like my last resort. My Mum was bordering on force feeding me by this point (I think it was the back of 3) and I rang the engaged number non-stop. I eventually got through and they said Camden would be taking phone orders. I never got hopeful or excited, I was rather dejected by now and prepared for further bad news. Again I tried ringing but it was permanently engaged. In the meantime I found the boots on an American site (I detest paying customs and have told myself never to order from the US again because of this), so was debating whether or not to break my own rules. They had an 8 and 10 left, the 8 being the UK 6 I needed. Shipping was free which was enticing, but I'd still have customs. Just at that, I managed to get through on the phone. I spoke to Leah who was completely unfazed by the whole thing and very calming. She said she'd check for the boots and I got the impression from her tone, it was likely they had them. Surely not though. "Yes, we have a 6 in those". My reply wasn't even words, just a wavering, trying not to cry, appreciative sound! I asked about the only other style I still had to find, the floral Alice shoes and remember this was the pair I was hoping for in a 5, but would've taken a 6 and I was astonished to find they had those too. If it was possible to kiss someone through a phone, I'd have done it. I gave her my details and in the style of that whole day, my bank card was declined! I suspected this would happen, given the huge amounts I was spending and it had been one of my many worries in the run up to this launch. This was also why I'd hoped to buy from no more than 2 places (Schuh and IC and quickly before it got the chance to decline it) as I've shopped with both regularly (not suspicious), but I did realise several big transactions in the space of a few hours would look suspicious. Luckily my Mum was able to give me her card to use and that went through no problem. My voice was shaking (yet again) as Leah reassuringly said, "don't worry, you've got your shoes now, it's ok". 15 minutes later I got an automated phonecall from the fraud squad, asking if a declined transaction at Camden and two accepted purchases at Office and Schuh were mine and I was able to confirm and reactivate my card. Phew!
I'll be honest, I've still not felt a sense of relief. I probably won't until I have all 5 styles in my possession and know they are ok and fit. It's like a nightmare that I'm reliving over and over and I'm also not in the mood to celebrate it 'working out in the end', when I know it didn't for many others. It feels like rubbing their faces in it and I can all too vividly remember what it felt like in those few hours that I realised I'd missed out. It's easy to sit there and tell people to calm down and think positively when you snagged everything you wanted and had a pleasant or easy process doing so. I'm pleased that was your experience and can't take it away from you, but for the majority shopping online, it didn't happen like that and similarly you can't take that way from us (no matter how much we wish you could)! It's a real pity that something I'd previously been so excited for and what should've been hectic yes, but fun, has been marred by such an unpleasant experience. Those bad memories understandably cloud what ended up as the result I wanted, but hopefully that'll pass with time. I can only liken it to a balloon filled with air being my excitement and anticipation of this collection, come 12pm someone stuck a pin in that balloon and burst it. I've not lost the balloon, it's still there, but it's sad, limp and deflated and I can never blow it up to get it back to what it once was because it has a hole in it. I don't doubt I'll adore the shoes when I see them, that's never been in question, but shopping for shoes just shouldn't be that stressful or upsetting. I'll admit, I do scoff when I see messages of disappointment when someone tried to buy character heels 'x' hours or days or weeks after a launch, I just think "mate, get on at 12pm or risk losing out", how do they not know that? That's when things go smoothly though and it's all about being quick off the mark, but Friday wasn't like that. I was there and ready at 12pm and nothing happened! Like I've said repeatedly throughout this I'm not (and never was) angry, I'm not blaming anyone, I was understandably upset and stressed at the time. I'd usually be able to spend the whole day waiting for the site to work (I don't even know what time it did start working), but many can't and on this day neither could I and that's bound to cause disappointment. Nobody is at fault and I most certainly wouldn't make the jump to say I'm never buying IC again or not shopping with Schuh or even changing banks! It doesn't change how I feel about any of those things, but "Alice" will forever be remembered as that horrid experience because that was my reality. I'm certainly not in any hurry to go through it again, but other than clearing my day which I attempted and failed, I couldn't do anything differently. If I'd had a magic wand to make myself healthy and therefore able to go to the launch, I'd have used it years ago. There's no official word on any future collaborations with Disney, but if there's anything with The Little Mermaid (my absolute favourite), I think I'd rather die of exhaustion going to the launch and get my shoes, than die from stress buying them online (!). At least I'd have had fun and can be buried in my new mermaid shoes y'know?!
So phew, well done if you read all that, how was it for you? Offload here, it'll be therapeutic. Though please refrain from being really mean about the situation, it happened, there's nothing we can do to change that, 'blame' certainly won't help. I truly hope you managed to get what you wanted. I'm really tired and sore from my outing and annoyed this had a knock-on effect and I missed my opportunity for ice-cream (we figured as I'm going to be in pain anyway, we should (within reason) make the most of it), it's just further disappointment, because I'm too knackered to do anything about it now, but hey ho, that's my life right now! My first pair, One Lump Or Two? arrived yesterday from Schuh and so far so good. Really glad I sized up, because they dig into the bony bit of your foot and I really doubt I'd have managed into a 5. I'm too shattered to take photos yet, I don't even have all the props I wanted, but I don't get paid for blogging, so have no allowance for that and spent all my money on the shoes! Schuh still have a few pairs of some styles left as do Office here and I haven't had the energy to check overseas retailers. I'm sorry I've been a terrible blogger this week, there's only so much I can do and I'm struggling right now to keep up. I'll likely pop up quick photos on Instagram or Facebook before posting proper photos here, so keep an eye out.
Post contains affiliate links.
I was really worrying about how this story was going to end! I'm glad you got the ones you wanted but sorry it was such a day of emotional turmoil.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid there was no way I could be online at 12pm like you mentioned people missing out because they are not on there- I am at school and our filters won't let you get onto shopping/clothing sites and I had clubs,, children with appointments and photocopying to do anyway so I wasn't away from the children until 5pm by which time I presume they sold out anyway in my size 42 in the Cheshire flats (which were the ones I wanted). To be honest, although I was disappointed, it was just as well I didn't get them- I ended up spending the money on a gorgeous Collectif coat, some Poetic license shoes I have liked for ages and a Miss Patina shirt which I'll get more wear out of of,but part of me wanted to be part of this Alice fever and the shoe crowd just this once so I feel a bit sad over it!xx
Absolutely, it was draining. I've always been quite fond of the Friday 12pm dates, but I realise this is inconvenient for a lot of people. I know some people are able to take their lunch break around it, but that's if they have access to the internet and of course on Friday, their hour would be up with no sign of shoes! I hated ticket buying as it was usually early (9am) and I'd still be half asleep! I'm not sure why Schuh and Office were late putting them up, Schuh were the same with SW (some early and some days later).
DeleteAh Collectif coats seem to be the thing to buy! I got a coat and jacket last year, though haven't had the chance to wear them, but I've already worn my Pearl to the reunion and the black Hermione on Friday (I got it in blue too because it was such a bargain).
I'm glad you managed to get something at IC, I feared they might be gone by Saturday, but it's a pity you didn't get to try more on. That's exactly how I felt, like I'd missed out on Alice fever when I'd been talking about it for so long. I'm glad it worked out in the end and like I said I'm sure with time, I'll be able to laugh (maybe) at what happened, but for now I'm just too tired!
My budget has been seriously limited by chemo, as I am paying for it out of pocket. I get donations from a fundraiser to help cover the expense, but it doesn't cover everything. The costs have gone close to $15k.
ReplyDeleteSo going into this, I knew I could get one or two pair based on the costs I got told about, and got one pair reserved. I had originally counted on maybe also getting the flower heels or the punk white rabbits- and then the black ones popped up. I wrestled with the IC site for hours and managed through a lot of trying to get an order through in my size.
Later I found them elsewhere, but a list in advance of who sold what would have been a lot less stressful.
I am sad that I could not get 'tea with Alice' or the heart heart heels, but really, I couldn't afford them because I have been paying for a successful cancer treatment and now I will live longer which means I will live to buy more shoes.
But I remember thinking, 'As fan who's stuck by this brand since launch, this is not acceptable treatment!' and 'I hope G gets her shoes!' I'm not abandoning IC, but I hope their online launches straighten out (because there will be more, and I've started to save up again, sigh, and so should you), because this may damage the brand AND flare my lupus with the stress. ARGH.
I think I will write some of this to IC as well once I've gathered my thoughts. I want to be constructive, because yelling won't cut through the sea of arglebargle they've gotten.
DeleteI understand the way they get us all hyped up with teasers before a launch, but I don't see any harm in retailers making it known which styles they are getting. Even if we don't know what the styles look like, a list we can then refer to when something like the site crashing happens, means we aren't all grasping in the dark!
DeleteI'll never understand people having to pay for their own treatment when ill and am grateful we have the NHS here, as much as it may get slated for issues! It's free and available to everyone and I'm happy at that. You can't say any better than that though, you're right it's wonderful to know you can be hopeful about surviving this now and shoes do pale in significance to that!
I think we all had high hopes for the new site. I can only imagine the stress it caused IC too, they must've been gutted when it crashed. Hopefully next time it'll go smoother, perhaps if we do have knowledge of other retailers (and what they are getting) there won't be such a huge volume of traffic on IC at once.
Yeah. Obviously they want things to go smoothly and obviously these are growing pains for a brand that has gotten a lot more popular very quickly.
DeleteSylv, were you able to get the Tea with Alice shoes? They still have them in 38,39and 40. Maybe you could go on go fund me and take up a collection. I would contribute some money.
DeleteSorry, I forgot to add, they still have the Tea with Alice shoes at and they do ship internationally if you are in UK
DeleteI did wonder whether you'd managed to get some Alice shoes as I hadn't see an update from you. So glad you did though. Hope to see you at Carnaby Street next time!
ReplyDeleteI needed to recover this weekend! So stressful. I'd love to go, so here's hoping x
DeleteI'm happy it turned out well (I couldn't get a single pair as I was at work and by the time I got home there wasn't anything in my size, I really wanted the pink bunnies and the sparkly blue Alice ones, plus one of the flats, but oh well, that's life) so I'm glad that at least you got some and will be excited to see them on your blog in the future. Also what did you wear to the reunion?
ReplyDeleteMy pink bunnies have just arrived and are stunning. Definitely one of my favourites. Ah, I'd planned to post stuff regarding the reunion and how I felt about before it happened and never had time, then I was rushing around last minute on the night, so didn't have time for decent photos. I've never had a moment to write my thoughts on it all! I wore a floral wiggle dress, my gold Truly Magical and my swan bag. I got asked all night "can we see your shoes"!
DeleteHi and thanks for you post. It was very riveting and much high filled nail biting drama that any collectible shoe or clothing lover can relate to. I had a similar experience and totally feel the same way. Panic and exhaustion. Happiness and sadness at the same time. What a day you had. I just wish they would have made more shoes for everyone.
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping us up and posted on the fashion world intrigue :)
Thanks. I'm sure it must be hard for them to find that 'correct' balance between keeping them rather exclusive and limited and pleasing everyone who is willing to buy them. Thankfully for me it turned out alright in the end, but it's certainly an experience I wouldn't want to repeat.
DeleteWell, I guess as you know from emails I have sent you, that I was not able to get the main shoes in the collection that, aside from the b&w cheshire flats, (eg Flowers Can't Talk) are hardest to get. I got them alright, but they are way too big at size 41, even though the last two pair of IC heels I got are size 41 and they fit fine. I wrote an email to IC suggesting that they have a shoe fit model for each size who has the perfect size foot for that particular size and then have her try the shoe on and give her report like you have done. You have been correct in your reports, but they have come too late to help me. I ordered my Flowers Cant Talk within four minutes of 12:15 or 4 minutes of whenever the site really became available, because as you know it did not open up right at noon. It was about 12minutes or so afterward. So because of IC's non standardization with regard to their sizes and then them not having fit models write a review so you can better decide which size to get, I got the wrong size and thought I was ok. And in the meantime, all the Flowers Can't Talk sold out. So I am just bitter about the whole thing and can't even be happy about the ones I do have, because they are just frosting. The ones I really really wanted if I couldn't get any other were these and I'm pissed.
DeleteYes, I'm so sorry I haven't had time to reply. Been absolutely hectic here lately. I switch between my usual size and the size up ALL the time in IC. For a wee while it seemed more were true to size, but the past few seasons I've been back to buying either or both. Sometimes annoyingly, I'm just a half size out and it's difficult to know whether to keep the pair that are slightly too big or go with the smaller ones and hope they stretch. I still judge it on a case by case basis. I'd love to try them all beforehand and report back for you all, that would be ideal.
DeleteSo pleased that you managed to get some of this collection. If you'd have said I could have got them for you. <3
ReplyDeleteI didn't even think of that, pure panic at the time! I wasn't too concerned at first because I thought the website would come back more quickly than it did, it was when I had to leave the house, I just knew I'd missed them : (
DeleteI know it is a first world problem, but all my life I have bought 98% of my shoes from used stores and always had to deal with mis fitting shoes. Too big or too small and now since I love Alice in Wonderland, decided to make this really big splurge and get some new shoes (actually I do have 2 other new IC pair), but it really irks me, that even though I bought new and spent myself way into debt, that I will have to wear non fitting shoes. It is thrift store poverty all over again except for hundreds of pounds/dollars. And all this could be fixed if the good people at IC would just let a few select people try on their shoes and report before sales are open to give people a better idea of what size they should order. With the review, they should list also the reviewer's foot size in both cm s and inches. I am selling a pair of John Fluevogs on ebay right now and I posted that my foot is 9.875 inches long and the shoe is too short for my foot and that someone with a foot size of 9.625 inches or 9.5 inches would fit the shoes well. How hard would that be for IC to do that.? How hard would it be for them to invite you or someone else over and list your foot size and let you review the shoe and give you a discount on them in exchange for your time and review? That would not be hard at all and I suggested this to them. And they should definitely do that. We have to hound them for these changes. More larger sized shoes, a comprehensive list of where all the shoes can be found and reviews on how the shoes fit for each and every size and each and every style. And no website crashing.
ReplyDeleteI do that in ebay listings too, well I tend to mention my sizing then how I find the shoe and always measure the inside in cm's even although it's sometimes quite tricky! I would love a similar system for all stores, like designer sites such as Net A Porter say "run a half size small/true to size" etc
DeleteMy friend Alan, who is a haute couture tailor who lived in Paris for a long while and buys expensive Vionnet and Madame Gres clothes on auction was knowingly disgusted when I told him. He said, "Oh yes, those European sites are always crashing". Well hopefully that can be fixed. Well I've learned my lesson. From now on, I am ordering 2 sizes of any shoe I order and then I'll just send one size back. Too bad for IC. If they don't like it, they can be better at size standardization, or barring that, they can have some lucky woman review the shoe first before it is ever available for sale. How torturous (in a first world problem way) to order something 4 minutes after a site goes online and think you are ok and not really care so much about the other shoes and then you have ordered the wrong size, but there is no recourse because everything has long sold out by the time you ever get the shoes?
ReplyDeleteThe IC people told me to look at your blog and I said I was well aware of your blog, but your review of the Flowers Can't Talk, though correct, could not help me or anyone else since the shoes were long sold out by the time you received yours and did the review. Please press these IC people to put pre size reviews online before the shoes go on sale, so people can plan better. I am just so pissed that if I was rich like the Kardashians I would fly over and have a tantrum in their store, but then maybe people have already gone and had tantrums in their store.
Well, I can't bear to send my "big as rowboat" Flowers Can't Talk back so I have bought sticky heel pads and have attached them all over inside the shoe and I have got them to almost fit, but it makes me sad, because it is just like all the ill fitting thrift store shoes I have had to buy over the years and this could have been prevented had IC had a size review posted just right before the shoes went on sale.
I think they believed it WAS fixed with the new website. Was very stressful for them when it failed, but hey it happens. Just a shame the recovery from it was so slow. I waited over and hour and it still wouldn't work, but these Disney launches are intensely popular.
DeleteI usually buy 2 sizes and send one back, but in this case when I was already buying 5 pairs, it wasn't possible (they already froze my bank account as it was).
Hey thanks for your response. I just saw it. I forgot to check the notify me box. I wish I would have known to do that, but then with the website the way it was, it just was not possible. I'm glad you got your shoes and thanks for the shoe fit analysis. It has been excellent and spot on. I would tell anyone buying the flat shoes to size down, probably on all of them. My foot is 25cms which is a size 9US eu40 uk 6.5 and the flat 40s are all too big. I have had to send them back and reorder them in 39.
ReplyDeleteSo it seems that the Alice heeled pumps (flowers can't talk and curious feeling) run big
(Curious feeling is fairly true to size on me, but if I size down to 39, it is too tight, so best to just put in heel pads)
Alice heeled oxford "Tea with Alice" runs narrow (re PHP), so size up if your foot is wide
Teapot heeled bootie All Mad Here runs large (ref PHP) so a person can size down
Valentine heeled Cheshire Cat and Queen of Hearts run true to size
Teapot heeled One Lump or Two pumps fit a little small
White Rabbit pink and black sequins run almost 2 sizes too small (about 1 1/2 sizes too small)
Time is Ticking sandals can probably be bought in a smaller size, like you can do with most sandals.
and as I said, it seems all the flats run one size large, but best to do like you and order two sizes and send one back.
IC really should have you preview the shoes and how they fit before they offer them in a launch so people can be more prepared.
I'd love to do that beforehand!