Sunday, 31 January 2016
Ikea Synas With Irregular Choice
The second part of my shoe room post (after accidentally deleting it) on The Shoe Girl Diaries is coming (I promise). The room is taking longer to put together than I thought it would (which is quite discouraging) and is constantly changing, making it that bit harder. Between the work involved and my poor health, it's tiny bits at a time and you just get into it when it's time to stop. With new buys, I've had to rearrange previously completed sections, so yeah, it's a constant work in progress. I did have all my special character heels in one unit (though they've since outgrown this), with the heels facing outwards, but these Irregular Choice 'Glissade' just weren't quite right. They were lost and not shown off to their best, so I'd been on the look-out for something better for them.

irregular choice
stash shoes
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Behind The Irregular Choice Posts
Last year I introduced my "guaranteed Irregular Choice" every week posts on both blogs, which I'm continuing in 2016. However it was also the year I really got into elaborate settings for shoe haul posts. It's something I (and you) enjoy doing (and seeing) immensely, so I thought I'd take a look back at those posts and discuss my reasoning for them and what I thought worked well (or didn't). Where possible I've included 'behind the scenes' type photos or images I haven't shared before, but I'll also link to each individual post for you to see the original photo sets.

about me
haul shoes
irregular choice
Sunday, 17 January 2016
Guerlain Nuit Merveilleuse Nail Polish
I hadn't spent a lot of time looking at the Christmas makeup collections last year. In general I've cut back on buying makeup, given I'm never well enough to apply it just now. However, I had a couple of things still to get to finish my Christmas shopping, which I found at Escentual and they had the one thing I'd looked at (a Dior nail polish) so I couldn't resist a peek at what else was on offer. I ended up getting a Dior eye palette along with the nail polish (and a different one for my Mum from the same range) and this Guerlain one also popped into my basket. The Neiges & Merveilles collection by Guerlain for Christmas 2015 was absolutely beautiful. Sadly most of it was either out of stock or out of my price range. I'm not totally sure where this bold purple slotted into the colour scheme, but it was so lovely, I wanted it anyway. 
discount code
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Irregular Choice Take A Chance
Hello lovelies and Happy New Year (if I can say that, 2 weeks in)! I'd hoped to get back to blogging last week, after being out of my routine over Christmas, but it didn't really happen. I'm organised and raring to go this week though. Beginning with a new pair of shoes I'd had my eye on for a long time, but bought just before Christmas.

haul shoes
irregular choice
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