Monday, 18 May 2015
Would You Wear...?
Would You Wear? is back, with a slightly different viewpoint, but more on that later. Before we start, we have to analyse our views on the ASOS crochet cape last time. You weren't impressed, with the general feeling being that it was a half finished garment with little purpose. 86.8% of you practically shouted that you wouldn't wear it! 7.9% would and two people were undecided, thinking they could maybe make it work. If your Granny finds the rest of the wool and finishes it of course! 
karl lagerfeld
very exclusive
would you wear
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Body, Why Do You Hate Me?
So I had a bit of a frustrating and sad yesterday, that involved a few tears, several times! I thought it might be cathartic to write it in a blog post and last week having updated my pages (About Me, FAQ, Disclaimer Policy)...after realising they were years out of date, I said I sometimes touched upon life with a chronic illness, so have held myself true to my word! Actually for the most part, I try not to talk about it-I guess I don't want to dwell on it and my blog is a sanctuary away from that, but sometimes in order to explain a blog-break, I've had to acknowledge things in my personal life are more complicated than I admit. So seeing as I'd been so busy with all that other stuff last week, I decided this week I was going to be ultra organised and really get into the blogging backlog that's been piling up. That was the plan anyway and by now I should know not to do that!

about me
Saturday, 2 May 2015
Would You Wear...?
Back with my new feature which made it's debut last week! That time, the cropped culottes/jumpsuit/crop top/cape thing seemed to have us all fretting about spilling something down it, clumsy lot we are! 73% wouldn't wear it, 13% would and the same amount were on the fence (no idea about the odd 1%). Read on for this week's Would You Wear...? and yet again I'm questioning "what is it"?

would you wear
Friday, 1 May 2015
SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag
So much for a more organised week, it's been very hectic so far and I've fallen behind with everything. I'm aiming to catch up tomorrow, but massive apologies for neglecting you all and my complete lack of blog commenting (I've missed reading what you're up to, so will get up to date this weekend). Anyways, I promised 'proper' photos of my SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears bag £28 and the reason I'm posting today, is because it's back in stock. Yes, go, go, go! It went quickly last time, so if you really want it, then don't dally.
clutch bag
haul accessories
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