Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Would You Wear...?
Hello, I'm back with (hopefully) a new weekly feature! I'm going to choose a random, but somewhat questionable fashion item and ask you what you think, if you like it and whether or not you'd wear it. I myself buy things that my sisters wouldn't dare and they look at things in shops, I wouldn't even notice, so it's like a thinking out loud thing and I want your opinions, for fun! I am partnering up with my other blog The Shoe Girl Diaries to ask the same question, though there it will be specifically footwear we're discussing. So pop on over to see a strappy, pointed toe, mule this week, oh yeah! I'm going to embed a poll within the post (if I know how) so place your vote, but I'd like to hear your thoughts in the comments section too, especially if you opt for the 'maybe' category. Next week, we'll see whether you rated or slated this item.

would you wear
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
SkinnyDip Milk Carton Bag
You know I love my kitsch handbags and I added another to my collection at the weekend. Well, actually I almost didn't, because I'd forgotten my package was coming and we didn't answer the door (thinking it was someone selling something or campaigning for the election, plus he looked totally shifty, but that's not the point). Anyway as 'wild man' walked back down the path, I noticed the polka dot packaging and the penny dropped that it was my Topshop parcel. Mum ran outside with no shoes on (!) but he'd already disappeared. Then she bumped into him and he said he'd left it next to the wheelie bins around the back of the house (i.e. chucked it over the high fence). Thanks mate. Drama over and thankfully my milk wasn't curdled. Joke.
haul accessories
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Schuh Unicorn Dream Boat
Argh, I say I'm back, then totally flake on you again, sorry! Best laid plans and all that. My nephews were here again (which I forgot about) and there just aren't enough hours in the day, as I'm sure you know. I've also been out of sorts with a sore throat which turned into a cough and cold. My voice bore the brunt and let me tell you none of this is a good look on a girl! It started with a Dean Winchester level of low (that's like hella low), then I annoyingly sounded like I permanently needed to clear my throat (think Sophia Bush). Then came Madge Bishop (not good), which progressed into Marge's sisters in The Simpson's (really not good), then Voight in Chicago PD (seriously Channel 5 get subtitles for that programme, Jason Beghe cannot be understood without them). Then came wheezy and barely there, like the scary dog that chases Babe (but turns nice) in Babe: Pig In The City. It's dropping to Dean levels again along with the wheezing which seem to sit below the level of human hearing, so I have to say everything 3 times until somebody notices my lips moving and asks what I'm saying. Between that and stopping to cough, blow my nose, drink Lemsip, suck throat sweets, feel sorry for myself and y'know try and actually breathe, I've been struggling to get much else done. I got new shoes today though and stuff like that just can't wait.

haul shoes
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
I'm Back
Hello, how are you all? Long time, no speak! Entirely my fault, I mentioned this briefly on The Shoe Girl Diaries, but I just needed a break. It was more 'life doldrums' than 'blogging blues', but one kinda merged into the other until I hated the whole world and everybody and everything in it! Well slight exaggeration, though it is amazing how rapidly and vehemently my mood can shift. I place the blame firmly on being a Gemini! Anyway, I had loads of posts planned after a super busy March (perhaps that blogging every day thing took it out of me), so I took some photos excitedly one night of my new bag. Woke up the next day to realise they were crap. Re-took them, still crap, grrr. Got a letter about my mandatory Job Centre interview which seriously pissed me off (discussing work possibilities when I can't even walk, shower or cut up my food is a serious waste of time IMO and makes me angry), plus the weather has been GLORIOUS! So that made me realise what I'd been missing, stuck indoors the past 16 months and that was that. My nephews were staying overnight at the weekend though and you can't really be moody with them around, because they're so hilarious and idiotic! So I felt better after that, albeit tired from running* around after them (*figuratively, not literally). Actually buying a ton of shoes, which I'll totally get killed for if I get caught with the parcel, also helped. New shoes always help. Let's just not think about the fact I'm unable to wear them anywhere currently!

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