Monday, 29 December 2014
Pre Christmas ASOS Haul
ASOS have been quite generous with discount codes over the past couple of months, so I've been ordering rather regularly. I thought I'd share some of my purchases, starting with a smallish order a couple of weeks ago, which included the wiggle dresses I reviewed last week (Tall and winter floral crepe ones). 
haul accessories
haul clothes
my little pony
new look
plus size
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Bought & Thought
I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas? Our house was pretty quiet and I got to spend the day in my jammies because I was too tired to get dressed. I got lots of lovely things, including loads I didn't know about (Santa had a little help this year, getting my main pressie). On Boxing Day, my sister and her family came and it was manic. All three of my nephews went from nice to naughty at different points throughout the day and they were staying over (minus their Mum and Dad), so there was no let-up. Too much noise for too long and I've been knackered since! I'm glad to start getting back into my routine, beginning with a new Bought & Thought.

bought thought
elegant touch
lily allen
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Monday, 22 December 2014
Mega Review: ASOS Wiggle Dresses
Golly, I can't tell you the amount of half written posts I started last week. I keep finding something more important to write about, then ditch that for something else. I'm annoying myself! I've had ASOS orders arriving almost every day (not joking that much) and in amongst them has been even more 'wiggle dresses'. Uh-huh, more than the zillion I already have. So instead of dragging it out each week in Bought & Thought (which would likely last until next summer), I figured I'd do a massive compilation in one post with reviews of each one. A lot of these have gone into the sale right now (which is why I thought you'd appreciate a review now) and some have only come out in the past couple of days. I'm going to start with some of the more recent ones, because they are freshest in my mind and the amount of photos for older styles vary as I didn't have the foresight to know I'd write this post!
asos curve
haul clothes
plus size
Friday, 12 December 2014
Bought & Thought
This dress was half price for one day only, so I took the opportunity to snap it up, having had my eye on in for a couple of weeks.
bought thought
haul clothes
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Bought & Thought
Shift your eyes away from those wonderful shoes for a wee minute, because it's the leggings I'm talking about today. I bought a pile of new clothes recently, mostly from the new plus-size range at Wallis. I've spent almost all year in my jammies, so splurging on clothes seems a bit of a waste when I can't or don't wear them. However I've started at physio again (think it's around 10 years since I've been) and the first thing out of my mouth when the doctor mentioned the referral was "what am I going to wear?" Yes jammies are not suitable outdoor attire! He passed that anecdote onto the physio who said as soon as I came in "oh you found something to wear then"! I know I make life difficult, but I like to stay true to myself and I didn't want to suddenly start wearing tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt because that's what I "should" wear to the gym. It's really not me, I'd be self conscious, uncomfortable and I didn't see the point in splashing out on something I'd dread wearing. So I made do, wearing little jersey dresses and leggings that I already had. Primark Barbie the first week, Miss Selfridge Barbie the second! I also wore the only flats I own, a pair of Melissa & Barbie Ultragirl in white with a black shoe print, which I ditched after a couple of weeks because she asked me to take off my shoes anyway, so I figured I might as well wear heels! Of course I'm highly uncomfortable in my old clothes right now anyway. I suppose I've put on weight from the lack of activity and everything feels restrictive (hate bras) and at physio you just want to be comfortable, not constantly pulling your dress down or stopping your leggings from rolling down. So, I've been keeping an eye out for something else to wear, hence the haul at Wallis.

bought thought
haul clothes
irregular choice
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Review - Help:Clear Skin
I've spoken a lot about my adult acne and the numerous products I've trialled, but the one thing I hadn't used before was a supplement. So I was very intrigued when I was contacted and asked to review Help:Clear Skin* for the blog. Basically the box contained 28 sachets (one to be taken daily) of fine, white powder, which is diluted into water, drinks or soft food. Sounded pretty simple to use and it was.
help clear skin
review skincare
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