Gah, Peacocks only go and get the other 2 dresses in today, don't they! My order from yesterday has already been dispatched, had I known these dresses would be in only a day later-I would've waited. It's not like any of them have sold out in my size already, grrrr.
I'm pretty gutted though, because as much as I love this lace hem dress (above, £30), it really is going to look horrid with bright pink hair isn't it? I love my mint green version so much that I really wanted it in another colour as well.
I am liking this floral dress though (£40), it's got something unusual going on at the neckline (high square and frilly?), but it looked really nice in the promo pics I shared with you the other day. I don't think I love it quite as much as the polka dot dress from the last range, but it's still pretty-more for winter though. I can't justify making another order just for that dress, can I? The accessories by the way are due sometime before the end of July. Oh what to do, what to do?I've found some close up images of some of the bags that will be in this collection. Check back a couple of posts to see them in the promo pics with Daisy Lowe. The vanity cases are £25 each (love them), the butterfly bags £10 and the straw shopper £15. 

I love all these dresses...I think it's finally time to get myself over there and have a really good look at them! :)
Definitely, they are beautiful. More pics once I receive my order!