Tomorrow sees the release of the latest character heels from Irregular Choice and we've been given a sneak peek. I'm going to sound like a talent show judge and say I don't like them.....I LOVE them! I am genuinely so excited about this release. I might have stared at the email for an entire hour yesterday, drooling, then forcibly made myself log out!
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Irregular Choice: Squeezy Bear Heel Preview
Tomorrow sees the release of the latest character heels from Irregular Choice and we've been given a sneak peek. I'm going to sound like a talent show judge and say I don't like them.....I LOVE them! I am genuinely so excited about this release. I might have stared at the email for an entire hour yesterday, drooling, then forcibly made myself log out!
irregular choice
Thursday, 23 July 2015
The Final Panda: Irregular Choice Tian Tian
If you cast your mind back to March, you'll maybe recall the release of the 'panda' heel from Irregular Choice. Now I tried three different styles, until I found a pair I was satisfied with. I began with Pin Yin in yellow and black and sent back both, because they weren't quite right for me. Then came Tian Tian, much more subtle, available in black or salmon pink. I immediately knew the pink were for me, but unfortunately they weren't released here, only available on Asian/US sites. So I bought the black, which don't get me wrong are lovely, but I was still hankering after the other colour. I'd given up hope of ever getting them, when one day in May (after the sick bug), I found them, available in the UK! Imagine my horror when the only size out of stock was the one I wanted. I don't know how many days they'd been on the site, but I was gutted that I'd missed them. You know I love a good stalk though, so I signed up to the stock notification and it became my 10+ times a day check. The email alert actually didn't come through, but my hard work eventually paid off as one size 6/39 appeared (even luckier I had 20% off that day too). So I'm happy to report I do now own the lovely pink Tian Tian that I always wanted.
haul shoes
irregular choice
Monday, 20 July 2015
Paperchase Pony Party
I have to thank my sister for the heads up on this one. Stickers and notebooks are to her what shoes mean to me. Basically she's obsessed and quite the expert. It truly baffles me as to why anyone would require so many sheets of paper, multi coloured pens or stickers and how one would keep track of such a collection. However, she thinks the exact same thing about my nude lipsticks and heels, so I guess I shouldn't question it! Paperchase is one of her favourite haunts and she often buys pretty pens and notebooks for my birthday. She was super, duper excited when she saw that their upcoming release involved unicorns (my favourite) and had me poised, ready to buy, the second it came out! She's been stalking our local store to see what they have too and I've spent an absolute fortune (though have a lot to show for it) with 3 online orders and one instore. All within a couple of weeks. It's expensive liking unicorns these days!
Monday, 13 July 2015
Why I'll Always Be Irregular
I mentioned last week that I will be blogging about Irregular Choice at least once a week on each of my blogs. I'll be discussing upcoming and latest releases, sharing new purchases, styling IC in The Shoe Girl Styles It and of course wearing them in Shoesday Tuesday. Today though, I've decided to write a little more freely and go outside my usual structure. This post actually began a few months ago in response to negative comments regarding a new Irregular Choice collection, but sat in my drafts folder unfinished (I rarely like to hit publish on an angry post). So, I've changed it into an appreciation of the brand to coincide with my new blog feature.
irregular choice
Saturday, 11 July 2015
New Irregular Choice Eternal Friend Unicorns
Hello, how have you all been this week? I've updated The Shoe Girl Diaries with what's been happening, but if you haven't read it, I'm back to blogging (hopefully). There's been loads going on since we last spoke that I wanted to blog about and I've bought a few things in the sale (and some non-sale stuff), but those posts take a little longer to prepare, so I'll get to them at some point. Actually I was taking photos of shoes for the blog today and a not funny thing happened. A rather speedy spider ran at me from across the room mid-shoot. I have no shame in admitting I'm the biggest wuss when it comes to eight legged creatures, so obviously rather than kill capture it, I ran! I plucked up the courage to sneak back in and saw it disappear behind a pile of stuff, so grabbed my camera, picked the shoes up off the floor and shut the door (because all spiders use open doors to get in and out)!! So that was the end of the picture-taking and I'm never venturing back in there until it's caught. Big baby, yep! The dude should know the shoe room is a sacred "invitation only" mecca (though not sacred enough it can't be killed in there). Anyway, speaking of shoes, in my absence, these little pups were released.

irregular choice
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