
Friday, 12 August 2022

Flashback Beauty Friday 84: Lancôme Summer 2007

Post does not contain affiliate links or PR gifted items.
3 tubes of Lancome liquid eyeshadow and lipgloss from summer 2007
Should I tell you the story about photographing these three times?  I probably shouldn't!  I'd already previously photographed the gloss, but remembering I had the eyeshadow (green, I thought), I decided to take them together.  After doing that yesterday (I was awake from 5am because of the heat), I was convinced I really did have the green (I pondered if age had discoloured it, until I read the shade name and knew it had nothing to do with green), so rummaged further and did indeed find a green tube.  I don't remember owning two, but clearly I did! If I wasn't so fussy, I would've just added in some separate photos, but here we are (I even changed the background because I wasn't happy with it)! If you're new here, Flashback Beauty Friday is a look back at old discontinued or limited edition beauty items.  These posts were supposed to be a quick wee photo and description, but I get carried away with swatches and details and over a year and a half on, this is where we're at! Last time was the Hard Candy charm bracelets if you missed those and I'm mixing jewellery and makeup again this week.
3 tubes of eyeshadow and lipgloss with ribbon charms
The items today are from Lancôme's Summer 2007 collection and info on this release is scarce, let me tell you! With hindsight I wish I'd stored all this somewhere at the time, as my memory isn't always the best. It would make these posts a lot easier if I had something to refer back to. It almost feels like we didn't have the internet back in 2007 or beauty bloggers weren't blogging. Anyway, I have three items, a special Juicy Tubes gloss that isn't technically a JT and a couple of liquid eyeshadows.
Lancome Ombre Glacee, cooling liquid eye shadow
Let's begin with those. They are the Ombre Glacée, Cooling Gel Eye Shadow in 01 Vert Bohol (minty green) and 02 Rose Bali (lilac/rosy white). I believe these were the two options available at the time. They come in squeezy tubes, much like a JT, but with a longer, narrower nozzle inside. They all have copper metallic text, lids and pattern at the top with this little metal attachment, more on that in a minute.
close up of Lancome Ombree Glacee eye shadow
close up of nozzle on tube of liquid eyeshadow
The lipgloss is Juicy Glacé, Icy Cream Lip Gloss in 08 Beige Letea. It wasn't the only colour, but I'm not sure if there was just another one or more. This is a pinky toned brown shade.
Lancome Juicy Glace lipgloss
Lancome Juicy Glace lipgloss slanted applicator
I always thought the gloss was a lot less shiny than standard JT's, not matte, but just not glossy-glossy. It isn't sheer like so many other JT's, there's quite a bit of colour to it. However, upon swatching, it is actually pretty glossy and does sheer out a little bit (though not to transparent). Sorry my swatches are a bit messy, the rose eyeshadow has very little left, so was coming out in spurts, which I attempted to tidy up and reapply. Both the shadows and gloss have a cooling effect when applied. I find the eyeshadows cooler than the gloss, but perhaps I'm accustomed to intense minty, plumping glosses, that this didn't do much in comparison. I've used all of these products a lot, the eyeshadows especially, as a base for other eyeshadows or to highlight under the brow. A little goes a long way and both have a pearl to them. The lipgloss (unusually) has no shimmer.  I didn't label the swatches, as I thought the shades were obvious; first photo is straight out the nozzle, second is blended a bit with a finger.  As usual, no colour/light edits have been made and all were applied on bare skin.  
swatches Lancome Ombre Glacee 01 Vert Bohol and 02 Rose Bali, Juicy Glace 08 Beige Letea
swatches Lancome Ombre Glacee 01 Vert Bohol and 02 Rose Bali, Juicy Glace 08 Beige Letea on pale skin
Back to the attachment and along the top of all these products is that metal piece, which easily slides off should you not want it there. Looped through it is a ribbon embroidered with "Divine Summer" and the Lancôme rose. I thought this would be a hint to the collection name, but you may recall me showing you the Ellipse eyeshadow earlier this year and that was actually from the Divine Summer collection, a year later in 2008. The eyeshadows both have green bands, the gloss, a bright coral. The writing is in gold with a little copper end and sun charm. They were intended to be used as bracelets, like friendship type ones that you tie.
Lancome tube with bracelet charm
coral and green Lancome bracelets
Aren't they cute?  I like a beauty product that's pretty but also functional and wearable and these certainly were.  Do you remember them?

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