
Friday, 1 May 2015

SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag

SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag Header
So much for a more organised week, it's been very hectic so far and I've fallen behind with everything. I'm aiming to catch up tomorrow, but massive apologies for neglecting you all and my complete lack of blog commenting (I've missed reading what you're up to, so will get up to date this weekend). Anyways, I promised 'proper' photos of my SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears bag £28 and the reason I'm posting today, is because it's back in stock. Yes, go, go, go! It went quickly last time, so if you really want it, then don't dally.
SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag Full Size Front
So you'll maybe recall I had to take two lots of photos of this bag and I'll admit I'm still not 100% satisfied with how they turned out, but that's the way of it sometimes. When I took them, it was extremely sunny and either created massive shadows in the light or gloomy, dullness in the shade. However, they aren't too bad and I picked out the best ones for you. You'll just have to trust me that it looks even prettier in the flesh.  We also have some random unicorns modelling...Tokidoki above and My Little Pony's Rarity below.
SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag and Rarity SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag and Tokidoki Vandalo SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag and My Little Ponys and Tokidoki Kaili and Vandalo
Ok, onto the bag and as someone who had lusted after the Moschino/McDonalds milkshake one, I was over the moon that the SkinnyDip design was such a similar shape (at a much more affordable price) and also included details like the straw. Even better that it was sparkly and mentioned unicorns (please note, none were harmed in the making of this bag, they only cry happy, rainbow tears anyway...unlike my snivelling and blubbering during the final ever episode of The Mentalist tonight, though they were happy tears too).  I wonder what happens when one drinks unicorn tears?  Something awesome, I'm sure.  Tasting tears always makes me think of watching Batman when I was wee and he'd do that to decipher if the woman someone was genuinely upset or putting it on and likely the culprit!  A bit like the Scooby Doo 'mask reveal', which got more and more elaborate and preposterous as the series went on!
SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag Top Close Up SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag Top SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag Side Strap Close Up SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag Inside SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag Inside Strap Close Up SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Bag Zip Close Up SkinnyDip Unicorn Tears Slogan Close Up
As you can see, the outside is mainly made from a scaly holographic material (which really twinkles in the light), with bold 'unicorn tears' written in pink with a large rainbow on the front. It's fully lined, zips around the widest part and comes with a long chain strap. Obviously the shape means it stands by itself very well and items inside feel very 'protected'.  I definitely expected an overall smaller shape, the size immediately struck me when I opened it.  It's really unusual and unique in my collection, even when compared to my other unicorn themed handbags.  You can never have too many right?  Here's some of my clutches below (I think I have another 3? Irregular Choice unicorn bags not shown here).  From left, the pink one is by The Whitepepper, the black and pink faces are New Look (all from last year) and the glitter one is ASOS and since sold out.    The Whitepepper New Look SkinnyDip ASOS Unicorn Bags
Here were my three SkinnyDip bags (as you know I bought the milk carton last week). That one has sold out since my post, but the popcorn and ice-cream (£25 each) have come back in stock this week if you are interested. You can see better photos of all four in that post from last week. SkinnyDip Popcorn Unicorn Tears Ice Cream Bags SkinnyDip Popcorn Unicorn Tears Ice Cream Milk Carton Bags
Then today I added a fifth member to the SkinnyDip family, this cat bag £35.  It was just restocked and I'd had my eye on it before it sold out, so jumped this time. I got next day delivery, so it should arrive tomorrow (or today, whatever ridiculous hour this is).  It's a little different to my others (not food related) and perhaps not quite so kitsch, but very chic.  I have an old patent cat face one I got on eBay from China years ago, but this one will be much better quality I'm sure.  Just the mermaid shell one to go!  What do you think, do you like these bags?      SkinnyDip Black Cat Bag
Post contains affiliate links.  


  1. I'm not so fussed on the junk food Moschino copies but there are some amazing novelty bags about at the moment. I'm mostly lusting after Kate Spade - one can dream, right?

  2. Ah, the bag of dreams! I've been far too naughty this month already so I'll just come here to live vicariously through you. :D

  3. I love all of your bags! (You have a lovely unicorn bag collection btw;))


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