
Friday, 6 March 2015

Day 6 #BeRealMarch

Ok, I actually like this photo, because I realised a very cool thing. Look at my hair...
BeRealMarch selfie

It's like a harlequin! A diamond pattern in dark and light! I think I must have twisted the pigtail slightly and the underside is darker. Those harlequin things kinda scare me. Maybe more so than clowns. I don't mind clowns unless they are sinister, a happy clown is fine. You know when you're watching TV and the person decides to put on classical music then have a bath, alone! Never do that, EVER! You're asking to be killed off in a horrid way. It's not like I'm scared of a bath but y'know, just don't do that. I do hate those wee monkey musical box things, that clap cymbals together. FREAKS! They are always really scary and horrid, eugh. What really gives you the creeps?

#BeRealMarch information

Day 5 #BeRealMarch


  1. That is such a gorgeous look! I've never had starkly two-toned hair, but am thinking I should give it a spin at some point (finally!) during this decade of my life - and know I so to wear braids when I do.

    Big hugs & many thanks for your lovely comment about my binocular brooch,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thank you Jessica. Completely accidental look on my part with being unable to dye my hair for over a year and thus this two tone thing was born! It was purple before this, so it's faded to this white-ish pale pink!

  2. This is such a fun hairstyle! I love the different colors of the braids:)))

    1. Thank you, completely accidental, don't know if I could do it again!

  3. Oooh, it is cool!!! Ha, yes, the music in the bath! I never forget the time I decided to start reading Agatha Christie's 'And then there were none' in the bath and had to stay in the (now cold) bath until I had finished it as I was too scared to leave the bathroom!x

  4. Clowns scare the bejesus outta me! Also spiders, though we have a resident hunstman living here. Whenever I spot him though I scream a little. As long as he stays away from me, I'll stay away from him.

    1. I don't know how you could cope with those big spiders. the ones we get are bad enough, I'm terrified of the tiniest spiders, I just am hopeless at dealing with them. We got this spray to deter them (which we haven't used in ages) and it worked quite well. Then my Mum bought a plug-in thing that is supposed to send out some noises or vibrations or something to deter mice and spiders. I'm hoping it's working too (touch wood), because we haven't had any in ages, but it could just be it's not the season for them.


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