
Saturday, 28 March 2015

Day 28 #BeRealMarch

Hello! I've been so terribly lethargic these past couple of days. I slept until ridiculously late yesterday, got up, felt a bit sicky after breakfast, then went into the conservatory which was all nice and sunny and warm and shut my eyes. Bad idea! I didn't want to wake up, but had to, because I had loads of blog stuff to get through. Sometimes you have an unexpected post crop up (in this case, the blind cleansing milk trial), that takes priority and you have to ignore other things you've been desperate to do. I've been much more relaxed about blogging lately though and not gotten myself worked up when I've missed a personal deadline. BeRealMarch selfie

What else did I do yesterday? Oh it was more like what I didn't do, I resisted buying the Irregular Choice ice-cream heels, which was a major 'victory' for me. They are lovely, but I've spent too much lately and need to save for shoe cabinets! The painter comes on Monday to start on my shoe room and we had someone measure up for the flooring today. I can't get out just now to choose laminate myself, but my parents picked one they thought I'd like. It's not the usual beech, it's got darker knots through it and the very slightest pinky/copper tint. Mum did actually ask if they had any in pink, because I'd have bought that in a second! I could've gone for the grey we've got in the conservatory, but I didn't want it to be the same as downstairs. I still have no idea how many extra shelves I need to order and to be honest can't be bothered with the massive amount of puzzling work it would take to figure it out. I don't even know which shoes are going to be displayed (as they're not all going to fit in), so it seems impossible to plan. It's such a pity, I (or anyone else in the family) can't get to the shop ourselves because then it wouldn't be so critical I get it right ordering online, but I'll just have to guess and make do with what I get. Not exactly end of the world problems are they?! Anyway, must go and muster up some energy to have a shower and settle down to watch CSI.  See you tomorrow x

#BeRealMarch information

Day 27 #BeRealMarch


  1. Sorry you've not been well. I hope that you feel better soon xxx


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