
Monday, 16 March 2015

Day 16 #BeRealMarch

So I was a little disappointed the week before last, to find I'd lost 2 followers. No big deal you'd think, but every week I get a little summary from Bloglovin' of who is following each of my blogs (actually my Tumblr is on there too, so you can follow it even if you're not on Tumblr). I rarely have 'minus' followers and certainly never two in one week, which is why I noticed it. It could of course be completely unrelated, but it struck me as a massive coincidence that it occurred in the first week of #BeRealMarch.
BeRealMarch selfie

I'm blogging every day and updating more than I have in a long while, so I thought that would entice readers, rather than scare them off. If they did un-follow because they don't understand why I'm doing #BeRealMarch and why I think it's an important message, then I don't really know how to rectify that or change their minds. On the one hand I'm thinking (and this is pure speculation that their reason to leave was because of BeRealMarch) that "I'm better off without them". Perhaps they felt I'd been deceiving them all this time and wasn't the perfect person they previously saw me to be (realistically it was just a matter of time before I 'slipped up') or maybe they just don't get it or want to read about it. On the contrary though, it's spurred me on and made me think it is worthwhile and it is needed, because the thought that people are somehow uncomfortable with seeing reality is ridiculous. You know it's a face without makeup, it's not grotesque, it's not inappropriate or rude, it's just real life. There are plenty of other pictures of me with makeup on, hair done and fancy shoes, if you need to see that I can 'scrub up well'!  I'm merely trying to restore some balance.  Of course, I know I'm preaching to the choir, because the people that are still reading understand and know why I'm doing this and have supported me, but it does make me sad that I can't make people see that it's not healthy to live in this perfect bubble where nobody has spots or pores or wrinkles and their hair is always perfectly done, wearing perfect clothes, in perfect lighting with a perfect backdrop.  If you want that, then you're right, this blog isn't for you and I'm glad I've taken the opportunity to alert you to it now rather than later, but I can recommend a million magazines, movies and TV shows where that perfect bubble exists, so you can keep on pretending.  Oh and I thought the situation had rectified itself this week as I'd been getting some 'new follower' emails, but alas the weekly total came in and I'm minus another follower.  My face above says it all.  See you tomorrow x

#BeRealMarch information

Day 15 #BeRealMarch


  1. Eek, one of them may have been me by accident? I was following you twice somehow and cleaned it up when I went through my follows. I still love your blog though, and your beautiful face! :) xx

    1. Haha, oh no! You see that's what happens when I try and put 2 and 2 together! It must be the season for it, I've been spring cleaning the blogs I follow too. How's the no buy going this time? x

    2. Haha sorry lovely! I'd follow twice again if I could ;) Between all the rubbish that's been going on life wise at the moment I just haven't been keeping track very well; it hasn't been much but I couldn't really itemise what's gone out! Is it bad luck to start a challenge again a third time?! :s xx

    3. Aw, hope things look up. It's always worth another shot ; )

  2. My bloglovin goes down by 2 all the time! And then it slowly crawls up as some kind soul follows! Sometimes, I've discovered it's due to people deleting their blogs or stopping blogging, sometimes it's by accident and other times I think it's because I've dared to mention I'm a Christian or I've poked fun at Blogger stereotypes! Either way, though it makes me feel a bit sad, I just have to hope that those still reading are interested.
    Love this photo- so fun!x

    1. I know, see that's what I thought, it's kinda sad to see people go. Like I say though, I've been spring cleaning blogs where they never reply to my comments or comment on my blog. I don't expect everyone to follow back or visit my blog, but replying to a comment once surely isn't too much to ask. I was convinced it would go up again this week because I kept getting 'x is now following PHP' but nope!

  3. Sod them is what I say! After seeing all the hate and awful comments some other bloggers and you tubers receive id say you're better off without them! I love your posts and I think it's great you've returned to regular blogging. If anything I'm envious of your Be Real March series, i don't think I could be so bold as to show myself without the make up and 'perceived' perfection! Keep on doing what you're doing, I will remain a faithful follower :) xx


    1. Thank you, that's so sweet. I honestly expected it to be a lot harder, but I think because I'm already accustomed to my face without makeup these days, it's not been too bad.

  4. I lost a few Facebook likers this week and thought 'What have I done now?!' then found out they've cleared out likes from stagnant accounts. I was scratching my head before!

    I saw Rai was one of the accidental unfollowers above, and any intentional unlikers are prats, as NO ONE is made up every moment of every single day and what you're doing is SO worthwhile. So much so I've broken out the caps lock, hahaha! xx

  5. Yeah, I agree with you and with the comments above: if anyone has left because they don't like BeReal March, then good riddance! This series is so important; I love it. Anyone who doesn't like the concept needs to know that your sharing these posts with us is really a gift for us as readers. For a fashion blogger to do make up-free pictures is something more personal than readers expect. It makes blogs so far superior to magazines or company produced content.

    The picture made me smile. I don't even know if I'm actually following the blog in an official sense, but I always try to keep up with the posts.

    1. Thank you, that's totally summed up what I'm trying to do. I just want there to be a change to constant perfectness. x

  6. I'm pretty sure I follow you on blogspot but I don't use blogspot anymore and only actually use it to comment on your blog :D I always just check if there's a new post any time I'm on my computer (yours and Leah's blog), otherwise I follow blogs on Wordpress (I actually do follow your blogs there too, but I can't comment through wordpress, I can only comment on wordpress blogs).

    1. I still don't know why the commenting thing does that! Very strange.


Wowee your comments cheer me up!

Unfortunately I've had to disable anonymous comments for now, due to a high volume of spam.