
Saturday, 4 October 2014

New Look: Novelty Clutch Bags

New Look Novelty Clutches & Moschino Menu Bag
Hello my lovelies, today I'm talking handbags! I've been bag OBSESSED lately. I guess for years the bag trends weren't to my taste, but now I see loads I love and can't stop buying them. At this rate, I need a dedicated room for them, never mind my shoes ; )
New Look Novelty Clutch Bags
New Look have had a great selection of novelty clutches, especially their foody ones (shown with my Moschino Cheap & Chic 'Menu' bag (black version available here), I'm sooo taking this the next time I'm in a restaurant just to mess with them)! I bought the pink doughnut, hamburger and milkshake from ASOS and love them all. I know they aren't going to fit oodles of stuff inside, but for someone like me that just needs a phone, tissues, purse and lipstick, this is ample. Each one is fully lined with a nice weighty zip pull and dare I say they feel rather good quality! There's a mixture of textures and finishes (plain, patent, suede-like) and embroidered details on each one.
 New Look Burger Clutch Bag
Hamburger clutch (£12) available from ASOS here or New Look here and purse here (£4.99).  New Look Pink Doughnut Clutch Bag
Pink doughnut clutch (£12) available from ASOS here, New Look here and purse here (£4.99).  New Look Milkshake Clutch BagMilkshake clutch (£12.99) available from ASOS here or New Look here.

All of these clutches are online exclusives.  I'm sure I mentioned to you in another post that I'd seen some new designs due instore in October (er now!), so I thought it was time to share them. I don't have a more specific instore date, so I'm checking every day! Each one is £12.99 and there's Christmas themes and OMG unicorns!! Obviously I'll be getting both colours and maybe a couple of the others. New Look Pearly Unicorn Clutch Bag New Look Black Unicorn Clutch Bag
The silver one is my fave, but the glossy black is pretty cool too. New Look Chocolate Bar Clutch Bag
Chocolate bar available from ASOS here and New Look here and purse here. New Look Chocolate Coin Clutch Bag
Chocolate coin at ASOS here and New Look here and matching purse here. New Look Gingerbread Man Clutch Bag
Gingerbread man. New Look Christmas Bauble Clutch Bag
Christmas bauble here and purse here. New Look Snowman Clutch Bag
Snowman bauble head and purse. New Look Champagne Bottle Clutch Bag Champagne Bottle.

I'm excited for these new releases.  Do you like these, will you be buying any?

Post contains affiliate links.  


  1. Oh f**k me sideways over a bush!! I have the doughnut clutch and I MUST HAVE the black and gold unicorn and ALLLL the Christmas ones. Thanks for this post! x x

    1. Haha, brilliant! I'm finding that little strap deceiving on the new ones, I think it makes them look like purses rather than bags...but the price/info was definitely 'clutch bags'.

  2. Oooh, I'd be tempted by the chocolate coin!!! They're all so sweet but just too small for me! I have a few novelty handbags but I'd need something bigger nowadays. X

    1. You could always use them as organisers in larger bags, to keep things handy.

  3. OH MY GOD THAT UNICORN ONE! Yes, that deserved all caps! I've been eyeing the donut one, but I think I'll hold out for that unicorn one! I've been loving them though, it's so cute to see them pop up online.

    1. Ha! I looove that pastel one, can't wait for them...hopefully asos will get them too.

  4. I can't wait for the gingerbread man, he's my favorite. I got the burger clutch and the milkshake and I think they are super cute (oh and I love your menu clutch, so pretty).

    1. I like him too. I loved the Moschino 'notebook' one they brought out a few seasons ago but missed it, so was determined to get the Menu one. It's really gorgeous in the flesh, such a pretty colour too, though the black maybe would've looked more authentic.

  5. OH WOW, the gingerbread one is aamzinfg. I foudn the BEST ever Xmas jumper last year so was thinking I didnt' need anything else from the Xmas novelty category, but clearly I do.

    1. Haha, yeah he's really cute, I think I'll get that one.

  6. OH! I have the doughnut but I think I need the unicorn and the bauble tooo <3 Ahhh!

    CAT xo
    What Cat Says | BlogLovin'

  7. I feel I really need Gingerbread man in my life!


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