
Thursday, 2 October 2014

Bought & Thought

Monki unicorn tshirt detail
I had a rather massive splurge at ASOS the other week, so I've got plenty of new buys to keep you amused with over the next couple of months.  I have to admit to typing 'unicorn' into clothing website search boxes just to see what comes up.  On ASOS, I do it daily.  Maybe even more than once!
This white unicorn t-shirt came up and I sulked immediately, thinking it wouldn't fit.  I've never had anything from Monki before, but when I clicked on it, I was pleasantly surprised to find 'large' was a UK 18.  I usually only need a 14/16 in t-shirts, but thought I'd best opt for the 18 as it looked quite slim fitting.  It actually fits perfectly, not too clingy but not big either.  It feels really soft, has a nice scoop neckline (usually the first thing I do with t-shirts is chop the high neckline) and it's short but not cropped.  Personally, I'd be tucking it into a skirt, so I don't like added bulk/length anyway.  The unicorns I'm sure you'll agree are adorable, they've got real cutesy faces.  It's a little see-through, not the worst I've seen and I was wearing a dark bra at the time, so I'm not sure if I'd want to wear a vest top underneath or if it would be fine with lighter underwear.  I was super impressed at the price too, only £8 and I had 20% off, so £6.40 for me. Do you like this?  As for the quote below, I wasn't feeling very inspirational or motivational this week.  It's been one piece of bad news after the other regards my health and now a close family member is extremely ill (can't really say too much just now), so that's completely rocked us all and left us feeling rather drained and uncertain of what's to come.  I'm guilty of 'glass half empty' far too often (I like to think of it as being realistic rather than pessimistic), so I like the analogy of this spin on it.  I think we could all use a field of wishes at some point.  Hope you're having a good week, let me know.      
Bought & Thought quote
Post contains affiliate link. Quote source.


  1. Love the quote (so inspiring!) and I LOVE that shirt (I'm going to buy it if they still have it after I return from NYC). Hope you have a better week and sending best wishes to your family.

  2. That quote is great! I'm sorry to hear of the bad news and that regarding the illness and sending you best wishes and prayers. x

    1. It is a good one isn't it. Thanks, I've been praying lots, nothing else for it. x

  3. I'm sorry to hear things aren't great for a family member. Having lost my uncle recently I know how that kind of worry can weigh a family down completely. Hugs. x x

    1. Thanks Leah, it's hard to concentrate on anything else. Hopefully I can say more when things are a bit more stable.

  4. SO sorry to hear about the bad news :( Hope things get better- as much as possible anyway.

    1. Thanks Char, been a pretty horrible year for me, then this news has just completely shocked the whole family, so sad.


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