
Thursday, 15 April 2010

Review: No7 Full Impact Mascara

I've just recently rediscovered No7 Full Impact mascara and I really like it. However when I checked my previous post on the complete range of No7 mascaras, I realised it's discontinued. It's a real pity because it would put the more recent mascara launches to shame.
The top image shows my eye makeup free to give you the best idea of how this works. First of all the brush is quite slim so it's easy to reach the smaller and corner lashes. The actual mascara is quite wet and very black and glossy-similar to Extravagant Lashes (EL), but because of the brush design, the result is far superior. This really coats every lash and because the mascara is so dark it gives a very dramatic effect. It does take a little longer to dry, but doesn't get all over my lids like EL did. I found this mascara really holds a curl, which last all day.
Unfortunately the lighting wasn't so good in a couple of these close-up shots and the mascara looks clumpy and a slightly weird colour-don't let that put you off. Overall, this is a fabulous mascara for dramatic eyes and such a shame that No7 discontinued it. I just added this image below because I thought it was cool that you could see me taking the photo in my eye!
Next: No7 Lash 360.

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