
Friday, 27 March 2009

Harajuku Lovers Doll Globe Pictures

Eeek, so excited today when a massive box arrived for me. When I opened it, I found a large Harajuku Lovers Doll Globe. I had been thinking it was never going to come as it was supposed to have been sent on the 1st March and the email had said it may take up to 2 weeks to arrive (long overdue). For some reason when I saw the box, I forgot it could be the globe. Anyway, it is spectacular. It rotates and is much bigger than I anticipated. I quickly collected all my dolly fragrances and took pictures for you to see them in their new home! Can you tell, I'm uber excited by this? All images should enlarge (excuse my reflection in most of the pics)!
the globe
the globe in motion
L'il Angel
close-ups of front and back:
L'il Angel
I also took an image of the fabulous charm bracelet, just because it is so cute.
Click the following links if you missed how you can get the HL Doll Globe or other free gifts including the bracelet. I'm starving now, so off to get some lunch, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. that is SOOOO cool!!


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