
Friday, 14 October 2016

Irregular Choice Alice: Who In The World Am I? (Sequins)

irregular choice who in the world am i? boots
Alongside the Lost Your Muchness knee high boots from the second Irregular Choice Alice collection, was an ankle boot, in two colourways. Now if you thought the green My Cup Of Tea were too similar to One Lump Or Two? from the first collection, you'll have no such inner quarrel with yourself over Who In The World Am I? You could easily wear both, without someone noting "don't you already have those?", they are just so different to one another. The style is identical, but because of the materials used, they are like chalk and cheese. I actually liked both, so got the two and today I have the sequin version to show you. irregular choice who in the world am i? green sequins
There's not a vast deal to discuss regarding the actual boot. It's a sleek, simple shape with softly rounded toe, cut straight across the top, close-fitting to the foot, but widening at the ankle. They fasten with a full length inside zip and the top edge is piped to avoid rubbing against the skin. I only tried these (both colours) in the size up (6/39) and I find this a good fit on me. I don't notice any slipping of my foot inside, likely because they are so snug fitting across the foot (so I suspect the size down would've been too tight). irregular choice who in the world am i? alice ankle bootirregular choice alice who in the world am i? toe detailirregular choice alice who in the world am i? toe irregular choice alice who in the world am i? zip
This pair are covered in sequins. Remember the really cool, mermaid-like sequins on the bunny heeled Disco Bunny? Well, it's that same awesome stuff! I never bought that pair, so I'm glad to have added something similar to my collection. I'm a sucker for these sorts of colours and it's so easy to get mesmerised looking at the vivid green as it flits blue and purple in the contours. You can hold your foot in one position and totally see green, while the person next to you, sees only purple. It's amazing! If that's not cool enough, the sequins can also be flipped onto the reverse, to reveal a matte, bronzed black. I put a video on my Instagram weeks ago, but you can see a small section turned in the photo below. I've always loved shiny things, so these weren't exactly a hard-sell, but I reckon anyone would be hard-pushed not to be fascinated with them. irregular choice alice who in the world am i? frontirregular choice alice who in the world am i? sequins detailirregular choice alice who in the world am i? sequins underside detailirregular choice alice who in the world am i? sequins flipped
There's a large bow on the outer side of the boot. Black based with multi-coloured glitter. I said this when I wore them for Shoesday Tuesday on the Shoe Girl Diaries, but I barely notice the bow for fawning over the sequins! I'm glad it's there though. irregular choice alice who in the world am i? glitter bowirregular choice sequins who in the world am i? ankle boots
For the heels, we have the original Alice mould. I find this heel really easy to wear. It's not too high, there's no need for a platform and despite it having a smaller heel tip (compared to other character heels), it feels really steady. This is the fourth time I've reviewed a style with this heel, so I don't want to repeat myself, but I've tried photographing all angles, so you can see the painted and carved details.
irregular choice alice who in the world am i? backirregular choice who in the world am i? alice character heelsirregular choice alice who in the world am i? heel back irregular choice alice in wonderland heelirregular choice who in the world am i? disney alice heel irregular choice alice who in the world am i? alice heel backirregular choice alice who in the world am i? alice heel detail irregular choice alice who in the world am i? heel tip
The inners of the boot are the same as all the others and I forgot to photograph them, but you've seen them before. The soles are different left to right, as we've seen throughout both collections and this pair feature flower scenes from the movie. I already have these soles on Flowers Can't Talk from the first collection and they include the rocking horsefly that I didn't recognise until I saw it on the side of Lost Your Muchness (silly me)! irregular choice alice who in the world am i? solesirregular choice alice who in the world am i? alice flower soleirregular choice alice who in the world am i? rocking horsefly sole
This pair are simple but stunning and definitely one of the more easily wearable pairs across both collections. I'll have my final review, the striped version of these for you next week. What do you think, do you like these?

No items gifted.  Post contains affiliate link.


  1. Thank you, your reviews are wonderful!
    (BTW I got both of the sequins and striped versions too :) )

    1. Thank you Layla! They totally serve different purposes I feel, so you can absolutely own both!


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