
Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Irregular Choice Alice In Wonderland Box & Stock Update

irregular choice disney alice in wonderland ss16 shoe box
I've got both my Irregular Choice 'Alice In Wonderland' parcels arriving today (very exciting). In the meantime I thought you might be interested to see what the box looked like. Totally different to Star Wars (as they would be, Alice and Darth don't have much in common), which you'll perhaps recall was black and had the clear window.
The Alice box very much fits in with previous 'framed' picture prints we've seen at IC like the mermaid, cowgirl or cuckoo clock. It's colourful with contrasting patterns and a central image of Alice with the talking flowers. Once you turn the box to it's sides, you can see that the whole thing is made to look like a book. On the back is a 'review' style format in text and a lot of the characters from the film pictured further down. The tissue paper is pale blue with white rabbit and Alice figures and hearts printed all over and a box with 'Disney Alice In Wonderland, Irregular Choice' written. The box has a glossy finish, is the traditional 'drawer' style and I was surprised by how huge it was (One Lump Or Two?), it's very deep and large, but of course this will vary between styles. The inners are all uniform, but the soles of the shoes are different on most of the styles, so I'll photograph them separately once they're all here. irregular choice disney alice in wonderland ss16 shoe box side irregular choice disney alice in wonderland ss16 shoe box sides irregular choice disney alice in wonderland ss16 shoe box back irregular choice disney alice in wonderland ss16 shoe box inside irregular choice disney alice in wonderland ss16 shoe box tissue paper
After the drama on Friday, I figured it would useful to compile a list of online retailers around the world that still have stock of Alice.  Obviously this is constantly changing as pairs are bought or stores replenish stock with returns over the next few weeks. If there's anywhere else you can think of that I haven't mentioned, please comment below and I'll update this post. Other handy things to know; you can choose the style/size you require on Irregular Choice and click to be notified when they are back in stock (if they get a return) by email, if you don't have time for stalking. There's also the option of phoning IC directly and other places who may sell from their Facebook pages or take phone orders.



Prices can vary, as will international postage and you'll have to consider customs charges if importing from US sites too.  Double check sizes on international sites, to make sure you're buying the correct thing.  There's also personal and business sellers with many listings on eBay and likely on other auction sites.  It depends how much you're willing to spend, often personal sellers have to charge more than retail price in order to cover their fees, but as with anything limited edition there are those willing to take advantage of that with highly inflated prices.  There's also the Irregular Choice Buy, Sell, Worship group on Facebook where members are selling pairs that don't fit.  I hope this helps and you manage to find the style you wanted.    

Post contains some affiliate links.


  1. I think the black and white Cheshire were exclusive to THE IC site, yep.

    Some stock will arrive at several sites next month as well, so it's worth it to check through march and enable notifications for restocks.

    1. Ah that would be why I was struggling to find those. Good to see there is still sizes out there. Wouldn't have got myself so worked up if I'd know the boots would still be available!

  2. I'm so excited to see pictures of them!!! I definitely live my IC shoe love through you. Haha.

    1. Haha, thank you Sara! I'm hoping to take pictures tomorrow, now that they are all here. Some quick snaps on my Instagram now x

  3. I was wondering what size you got for the pink rabbit heels? Did you size up?

    1. Yes definitely size up, they just fit snugly in the size up for me.

  4. Does anyone have any idea how to checkout on the Chinese site? You can translate it to English till it hits checkout page......argh!

  5. Hope you don't mind me adding, if you're in Australia Shoe fun and Beserk have a selection. Shoe Fun offer a layby service.

  6. Alas, no 42's in anything anywhere!!! As I said though, just as well! Except the Cheshire flats- really loved those!x

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. A US8 should be marked a 39 in IC : )

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yeah, I have a pair of quantums that are too short that are just sitting on the shelf, so annoying. If I could get a size up on just the left shoe I'd be so happy.

    1. You are like me. My left foot is about 1cm (1/2inch) larger than my right. So I have to buy for my left and pad my right. (By the way, my friend has lupus and he started taking Wellbutrin. It was supposed to just help with his depression, but it also has helped with his lupus. He had lost all his hair and his eyebrows and after starting to take the Wellbutrin, it just started to grow back. Don't know if it would help, but just an fyi.


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