
Thursday, 29 October 2015

Irregular Choice: Star Wars Launch

After months of speculation and much anticipation, the time has finally come for the Irregular Choice 'Star Wars' collection. It's a huge collaboration which is likely to appeal to long-time Irregular Choice fans whilst reaching a whole new audience that probably didn't know such exciting and innovative footwear was possible! I'm in the camp of knowing very little about Star Wars, but the characters are so iconic, that they are instantly recognisable even to those that have never seen the films. My knowledge and experience of footwear on the other hand...well we all know that one!  So what do we know about this special range? Irregular Choice Star Wars Skywalker

A range of 14 different styles for women (or guys that can fit them) featuring characters from Star Wars or iconic items (ahem lightsabers). They really have tried to cater for everyone with flats, heels and boots. Much of the collection has been kept under wraps, but we've seen five pairs in teasers over the past couple of months and I've included those in this post. Some are traditional 'character heels' while others have special effects such as sounds or lights. Irregular Choice Star Wars C3PO
The collection will launch at 12pm (UK time) tomorrow (Friday 30th October). Irregular Choice Star Wars R2D2
The range will be available online, in all Irregular Choice stores and select stockists such as Schuh will have some styles. There's a special launch event to be held at the Carnaby Street store at 12pm. Irregular Choice Star Wars Darth Vader
How much? 
£195 for the likes of R2D2, obviously increasing with the more bells and whistles they have and how limited they are. I believe the maximum price is around £300. I don't know for sure how much the pumps will be, but cheaper than the heels. Irregular Choice Star Wars The Death Star
What else? 
All the inners are a purpley colour with multi-coloured shimmer throughout like a galaxy and both brand names are embroidered inside. Some styles feature embroidered 'Star Wars' on the uppers too. Most of the soles include prints of characters from the movies such as Han Solo, Yoda and Darth Vader, though the lightsaber heels for example are rubber soled with no image. The Death Star boots (above) are a pair; one heel Darth Vader, the other a stormtrooper.  I'm hoping to get a pair of the heels, but nothing is set in stone yet, so we shall see.  Are you planning on buying any tomorrow, what do you think of the collection?

All images Irregular Choice x Star Wars


  1. IM SO EXCITED FOR THESE!! I'm really glad they're doing flats as I'm a no heel girl so often miss out on all the gorgeous character heels (I live them through your blog!)

    1. Thanks for commenting Sara. That's brilliant, I feel like they've tried to cover all bases with heel heights (and it IS a big collection) and also some are more subtle than others, but all still very 'Irregular Choice'.

  2. Ahgh, they are so expensive!!! I'd love a pair like the Darth Vader or the C3P0 flats (though I would LOVE the R2D2 heels but realistically too high and too expensive!

    1. Yeah they're all singing, all dancing so not the cheapest, but they'll just fly out I'm sure. On a par when priced against previous collections like the London College of Fashion one or the Dan Sullivan range, but a little more than the character heels we've seen lately. The R2D2 have been in the store windows this week and a lot of people have thought they were very high. I'm sure I'll be fine in them though!

  3. I WANT THEM ALL! Seriously! They are amazing! Though I just can't justify them. I think my fave are the Han & Leia ones, but that works out to be about $250 not including postage. But the heeled ones are amazing and I feel if I could splurge for a pair of IC it'd be a heeled pair!

    1. I was pleasantly surprised by some of the prices once they were released, but then I was prepared for what I expected them to be. I was hoping to get two pairs, but had to limit myself to one. I know what you mean, I thought it was great there was such choice in flats, but I think a lot of people if they are spending that money, want it to be on fancy heels x

    2. You'd think, but it seemed like the flats were selling out the fastest (aside from the R2D2 heels). Also why do my comments always double post arg.

    3. No idea, but it only seems to be you it happens to! Everytime it publishes 2 comments exactly the same. Price wise I was pleasantly surprised with the flats (I know they didn't do anything fancy though), think that's maybe why they were popular, plus it's unusual to get a limited style in flats because obviously you can't make flat character heels, so I think those that can't manage heels were ecstatic to get something.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Makes me sad and mad, that you have to pay for that. There's a lot of screwed up things with our government and country and in health care there's long waiting lists but it's free and that's something a lot of us take for granted.

    2. Yeah. People get angry at the wait in Canada too, but they don't realize that many more people there get to see a doc at all. I do start chemo next week, though, we hot the first round covered.

      Anyway, I did somehow snag a pair of Skywalkers, and I am so happy.

    3. Oh yes, brilliant, glad you managed to get them. I'm so tempted with those too actually, I love how brightly the heel flashes. Good luck with that next week, hope it goes well for you x x x


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