
Monday, 30 March 2015

Day 30 #BeRealMarch

Ach, I'm up far too early this morning! The painter was due and of course, typical that nobody else is home, other than me! I'm having horrid flashbacks to the renovations last year and how I usually had to cope with everyone coming and going and all the upheaval. I mean the guy will get on with it himself, but it meant I had to be up early to let him in (in my jammies naturally) and I didn't know what time to expect him. Plus he'll not be getting a cuppy, because I can't go up and down the stairs several times in a day! You know how you have nothing planned, then suddenly everything is scheduled for that day? BeRealMarch selfie

My Mum and sister are in Glasgow for a couple of nights. My Mum's sister phoned last week to say her mother-in-law had died (long time coming), so the funeral was today and Mum wasn't here, so she volunteered Dad to go and represent the family. Then the painter leaves a message to say he'll start today.  My parents usually babysit my nephews on a Monday, so had cancelled that and every phonecall seems to be for something happening today. I'm like the family personal secretary (except I hate phones and am really crap at relaying messages). However, perhaps I'll get more work done today with the early start....or y'know be sleeping by lunchtime (except I can't because the painter is upstairs, d'oh).  What a ramble today, sorry, it's the time!  See you tomorrow for our last day, sob, sob!

#BeRealMarch information

Day 29 #BeRealMarch


  1. Oh no, bad timing eh?!
    Hope you are ok.
    I've enjoyed Be Real March! It has been nice to have this every day.
    Yrgh, my husband is off school and it was horrible having to get up before him. He did, however, get up to give me a lift to the station which is a relief as I was late getting up!x

    1. I managed! Two early mornings, but he's finished now and I coped : )

  2. That's so sucky! We all need those days of no plans - then when we finally get them something ALWAYS comes up.... gah!

    1. Yes, no idea how people manage their schedules and the rest of their family...I can never remember who said they'd be where, when!

  3. I completely had that this weekend (Saturday we went running in the morning, then went shopping to buy my dog Buddy presents as it had been his birthday, we then went to my parents' house for lunch and to see Buddy, then we went food shopping, then my sister came by the flat to see miss bunny and hang out, then I cleaned the flat and M went to do some more food shopping, then his friends came over for dinner and drinks = BUSY!), which meant that instead of a relaxing two days it was crazy and now I can't wait for next weekend to relax!

  4. I hate it when several things are going on at once. I have no idea how I used to cope with my busy job as these days I have to psych myself up to make a phone call, let alone leave the house. I'm glad you coped well with all the shenanigans! x


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