
Monday, 2 March 2015

Day 2 #BeRealMarch

In order the keep things interesting, I figure my #BeRealMarch selfies need variety. So I was in the shower and thought I'd take a photo. As you do.  Are shower selfies even a thing? Who knows. It looks all dreamy because of the steam!
BeRealMarch selfie

I'm using up the very last of my Clarins Pure & Radiant Mask (which is on my face here), I absolutely love the smell of it, though you wouldn't guess it from my slightly serious face here!  I think I wasn't quite sure if my phone would work and was wary of dropping it in water.  The hazards of taking selfies at inappropriate times!  See you tomorrow x

Click here if you're wondering what #BeRealMarch is all about.

Post contains affiliate link.  


  1. You're brave taking it in the shower!!! x

    1. I dried my hand first but was "don't drop it, don't drop it" and don't take anything too risque either!

  2. Oh, I like Clarins very much and I think the mask must be great! The selfie is very good - yes, it's fairy like, with the steam! I got to know you through Kezzie!

    1. It's lovely, but I tend to get over-excited about a product if I love the scent! Thank you, just read her post, amazing, so kind x

  3. :DDD I've taken a few photos while in the bath and I'm always SO AFRAID I'll drop it in the water and then have no phone (and no way of taking photos for the blog, which would be the death of me!)


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