
Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Comparison: Jeffrey Campbell Damsel & ASOS Ablaze

So if you don't know that I love my ASOS Ablaze boots, particularly the floral tapestry version, then you probably haven't been reading my blog very long! I do love them dearly. I also love the Jeffrey Campbell Damsel, which more than likely proved to be the inspiration behind the ASOS pair. So when Office reduced theirs to £60 from £120, I found it very, very hard to resist purchasing them. Luckily or unluckily, they had sold out anyway, before I got the chance to even contemplate it. I have to admit to stalking them ever since and even popping into my nearest Office to see if they had any (they didn't).
As with most stalking, it usually, eventually, pays off and the link I'd saved also showed me the boots were now £50 instead of £60, erm bargain-bargain! So, one day I click the link and there they are, the only size 5 in the whole wide world (or the Office site at least). It was fate. So I 'added to basket' and bought them without much of a thought. To go off on a slight tangent, things have been going like that for me recently. I miss out, spend the money I 'saved' elsewhere, then the original item pops up again and I end up buying it too. That's not good for my bank balance. I'm very nearly bankrupt (well low on funds anyway), so it has to stop. Anyway, the reason there should have been hesitation to my purchase, is the fact these are floral. And tapestry. I said that quickly and in a hushed voice, but I think you heard. Yeah ok, they are really alike, like really. I feel naughty and I don't. I figure there are some differences and if I like the Ablaze, then why not get another similar pair? Question is do you think they are too similar?
I considered selling one pair...but then couldn't really part with the ASOS ones and decided I slightly prefer the JC's, so didn't want to part with them either. I wore them yesterday as a statement to myself that 'hey dude I've worn them now, I can't sell 'em' (of course I can sell 'used' shoes and may well do at some point, but it's not on the cards for now).
So what are the differences, for a start the JC's are much higher; the platform and heel are bigger. The boot also sits higher up the leg. The platform wedge is concealed unlike the Ablaze. The toes are shaped differently with the JC's more upturned with a centre seam and they also feature a centre back seam detail.  The JC's also have side zips which the Ablaze don't.  The laces are also different colours...ok clutching at straws on that one!  The colours are very similar, the prints are not the same, but similar.
Like I said, they are similar but you can spot differences.  I'm not really asking what you think I should have done with them, but what would you do if you'd been in love with both pairs and had the opportunity to pick up a bargain?  Would you keep two shoes that looked alike?  Is it good that I have a back-up?!  I'd say I'm slightly more in love with the JC's, but the Ablaze are easier to walk in and feel more steady.  For now, I'm keeping both!


  1. I'd keep both as they're beautiful & technically you got the JCs as a bargain. Ok, so I might be a terrible person who is very good at rationalising buying stuff! ;P

    1. yay rationalise away, I like your kind of thinking! x

  2. i love these shoes, although no way id be able to walk in them myself! I always buy 'dupes' for things, but still have the craving to actually buy the more expensive item! so im more out of pocket anyway. oh well, you only live once and you earn your own money, treat yourself!

    1. I know what you mean, I can recall considering buying lookalikes of designer sunglasses then just ended up saving to get the real-deal because I knew I'd always still hanker after the real ones! I never realised I would have the opportunity to buy the JC's though, so that's why I was happy to snap up the asos pair.

  3. I usually try to avoid buying too similarly looking shoes, but I have to plead guilty for owning certain styles in multiple colours. (maybe an idea for a little blog post soon?)

    That said, these pairs would definitely be too similar for me to warrant having two pairs. I guess I'd have gone for a different upper. That said, I love the back seam and the zipper (handy!) on the JC's, but I really hate those seams on the toe and I don't think the height on the ankle would be flattering for my very short legs. But, if they're as comfortable as the Ablaze boots (I own them in the scribble print), I'm sure you'll get loads of wear out of them. And after all, they WERE a steal. (I'm such a sucker for sales as well, ending up things I wouldn't have bought full price, such a bad habit!)

    1. Ooooh I'm terrible for the multiple colour thing. If I like it, I buy all the colours in dresses or shoes or bags or whatever! Sooo guilty of that. Yeah had I been given the choice I would have opted for a different print,for example I like the purple/yellow floral Damsels, but sadly the floral tapestry were the only print and only discounted pair.

  4. Too similar for me. I own the Ablaze ones in tapestry print, and whilst I would consider them in a different colourway, as I really like the style and find them steady and comfy to walk in, I wouldn't personally have gone for the JC ones as I'm not a fan of the lacing at the back. Plus they'd have been too similar for me in the v similar fabric, as I am fast running out of space.
    Having said all that, in the past when a pair of shoes I've loved has worn out, I've been known to track down a replacement pair.

    1. Yeah I feel guilty about having two almost identical pairs when I'm struggling for room and getting rid of other pairs. I just wish Office had a different print that I could've got.

  5. I've pondered this myself, actually. I'd settle for the copycat pair only because I've no job at the moment to afford anything such as JCs, although I'm a huge fan of his/their work. I May consider holding on to the copycats if I'm really into them, but it'd be a tough decision for me too, haha.

    1. Yeah I never thought back when I bought the copycat pair that I'd ever get the opportunity to purchase the JC ones, so I was quite happy with my lookalikes. I find good points to both pairs which is why I would struggle to give one up!

  6. Mmmm......between Ablaze and JC's, I think I'll vote for Ablaze. I prefer Ablaze's pattern and shape. Plus, they look easier to walk than JC's. But I must admit, when I'm really fond of a shoe model, I can't get enough, either. For exemple, Acne's Atacoma and its knock-off, JC's Alexa, if I can lay my fingers on Atacoma, I'll probably keep Alexa as well. Atacoma for sure is cool, but I like Alexa's shape, too, and they are easy to walk in. So probably Atacoma for display and collection and Alexa for daily use. But if one of the models is really less cool and much more difficult to walk in, no matter it's the original or the knock-off, I think I'll let it go.

    1. Good thoughts. Yeah the Ablaze are slightly easier to walk in I'd say as they are a little lower and therefore more wearable.


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