
Friday, 6 January 2012

New Kandee Shoes

I've been feeling a bit sluggish and uninspired this week. I didn't start the year with any major resolutions, but I feel there's things in my head that I'd like to achieve that are difficult to write down as actual points or specific things, if that makes any sense? Then it gets me thinking and I can't concentrate for trying to pin down what I'm thinking about, vicious circle!  Every year I want my blogs to be 'bigger' and better than the year before and I feel I've finally got the layout exactly as I'd like it but then other things are missing. I wish I had more time for the social media side of things for example, like commenting on other blogs, forums and facebook etc, but I struggle to find the time for full time blog posts never mind that. I've been doing this since 2008 and feel I haven't quite reached to where I want to be....*thinks*'s a tough one, it's hard to strive for something that can basically be down to a whole lot of luck rather than hard work and the latter is all I can really do. Anyway, going totally off on a tangent as per usual, but I don't think it's good to blog when you're feeling a little 'off' because your lack of enthusiasm comes across. That said, it's a Friday and I thought you'd appreciate some shoe porn, yipee!
I'd been wanting the Kandee Caramel Kisses for a while; always had it in my mind to get them at some point when funds allowed. Then Nicola Roberts (Girls Aloud) went and wore them and I had a feeling they would sell out completely as she seems to have that power over everything she wears. I checked the other day and they only had two sizes left, one being a 39 (I always size up in Kandee heels). They were still more than I would've liked to pay for them, however it was "get or regret" time and I got them. Aren't they cute?
I also got the Bubble Gum pink suede platforms which I'd been keen on, even although they're a plain shoe. I love the shape and the platform and it's so nice to get a chunkier, more wearable heel from Kandee (more like this please).
You know I wanted the After8 sparklies and others like them but I'm coming to the realisation that as gorgeous as they are, they just aren't practical or wearable enough. They'll be extremely difficult to walk in and I just don't go to fancy events often enough to justify them. My two pairs arrived yesterday and are slightly too big (I would just go for your regular size), but I'm hoping an insole will fix that. They are still mega high, even with help from the platform and chunky heel, so they'll need some practise before wear.  Another thing that's on my mind constantly is 'shoe sales'-I have my eye on so many things, but have no money just now.  It's driving me nuts, because I have to stalk them every day and try to prioritise which will sell out first and have to be bought first! The stresses of a shoeaholic eh? Ebay are doing a free listing this weekend though, so I'm going to put up lots of things and hopefully make some cash ; )


  1. love them!!



  2. My normal shoe size is a 5 and this is what i got the boots in! Ive got the tigra 2 sided bootie and now the Limonade booties which are amaaaaaaaaazing! cause im a glitter girl! but i found that with the pump shoes im a 4 cause the 5 is way too big theres a great big gap at the heel so the 4 is better, and these were with the caramel kisses but unfortunately i decided to send them back cause i couldnt afford them all. i loved them though i just wish i had loads of money cause i love everything!

  3. OHHH I so want the Bubble Gum pair but it's about $60 to ship to me. Plus I'm lost on the sizing. I'm half size and it's really a risk of ordering and receiving the wrong size. I definitely wouldn't be able to return them. Devastating, truly. One day I'll get these!

  4. The shoes have amazing design but the quality is SO POOR
    I have 3 pairs. Was still believing it was just a mistake everytime i received a new pair but they are ALL like that. Glue showing, parts scratched, bad assembling , 1 shoe is so ugly is not even wearable, they are really NOT the worth their price

    They said is normal condition and would not refund me

    How were yours ?

  5. This shop is an absolute scam - I ordered a pair of shoes and never received them. Despite chasing for several weeks I have heard nothing back and am not having to consider a small claims court proceeding which is a huge waste of my time and money. If I can only make other people avoid making the mistake I have!!! Horrible company

    1. Yes, I stopped shopping with them years ago after an incident. Wouldn't shop there again.


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