Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Inspiretty #151
Disney/Pixar have a new movie coming out next summer called Brave and it's set in the rugged Highlands of Scotland-how cool? Red-haired girls will rejoice at the sight of the gorgeous Merida with her beautiful, flowing ginger locks. I think she looks so pretty, even if it adds to the stereotype that all Scottish people wear tartan, have red hair and freckles, live in castles and spend their day running around the hills-probably chasing haggis to the sound of bagpipes! To burst that romantic and rather antiquated bubble, modern Scotland is just like anywhere else; all ethnicity's-skin and hair colours possible, including the pink, turquoise or whatever colour haired me! We like fashion; some of the top designers are Scottish (Christopher Kane, Jonathan Saunders) and there's an abundance of us fashion bloggers too. Day to day, we rarely wear tartan (mostly men in kilts for weddings/special occasions), we have Topshop, Primark, Starbucks and McDonalds like anywhere else. We don't all sound like Lorraine Kelly, you'll find different accents in different regions as you would around the UK or anywhere else. Oh and I've only ever eaten haggis once about 20 years ago at a Scottish themed evening at Brownies! We do have the most beautiful countryside (and beaches where I live) and are an extremely friendly bunch most of the time. As the saying goes; wha's like us, damn few an' they're a' deid.
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