
Sunday, 6 November 2011

ELF Cosmetics Haul

I've taken to writing lists, well sticky notes on my computer desktop to be exact. It's a sure sign I've too much to do, when that happens because I'm generally not a 'list-making' type of girl! I bought a truck-load of stuff from E.L.F. weeks ago and it's been shoved further and further down my to-do list every day/week, even although the photos were taken weeks ago. However, these are the quick ones I took on my phone when it all arrived, but I have much better ones from a real camera and swatches too, so you can (note to self 'must do this') look forward to that next week.


  1. Wow you bought so much!
    I want to do another massive ELF haul but kind of on a 'no-buy' on cosmetics until after xmas!
    I'd love to see swatches of the Matte Lip Colours as I'm kind of undecided on them - what do you think of them?

    Laura xx

  2. You look absolutely gorgeous will definitely be trying out that Cosmetics, it's lovely!


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