
Monday, 12 September 2011

The Irregular Choice Switcheroo

Irregular Choice month has hit a bit of a snag over on The Shoe Girl Diaries with me not getting out for a couple of days. The weather hasn't been on my side, but it'll hopefully brighten up tomorrow. As you know, I have an IC closet and most of the time it's pretty difficult to get access to, as I have a couple of 'floor to almost ceiling' towers of shoes boxes in front of one of the doors and various piles of boxes and clothes in front of the other.
Obviously for the sake of the challenge I needed to get lots of shoes out, so the above pic shows some of the pairs I wore last week, which I swapped over for those below. I made a conscious decision to bring out more wintery styles, but even they look a little 'cool' for this current weather! Remember I'd still like to see you wearing your IC's this week too, just click here for all the details and you could be featured in my guest post on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. what cute shoes...i love the fabric bow ones!

    oh. and i love your blog name :)


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