
Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Inspiretty #123

I'm getting really into boots, that resemble 'sensible winter wear' but upon closer inspection aren't really at all! Like the Irregular Choice 'Toad In The Hole' for example and these gorgeous lace-ups by Yves Saint Laurent. They look pretty normal, great for autumn, good base for walking on but also feature this fabulous, puffy layered wedge heel. Reminiscent of Terry De Havilland (is there anyone that hasn't copied the wedge legend?), I really like that added element of surprise to an otherwise average enough boot. There's nothing average about the price though at £1065...suddenly those TITH boots don't seem quite so steep!


  1. Been meaning to say for ages...have you heard of Miss L Fire shoes? Some are quite quirky...although maybe not as high as some of your styles, I thought maybe you'd like them.

    Here's a link to their Nancy boot which you might like...

  2. Hi Sandy, yes I rather like Miss L Fire shoes. You're right, I would love them even more if the heels were higher, which is a pity. I own a couple of styles and they're beautifully made.


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