
Friday, 26 August 2011

Inspiretty #110

So, all week I've been without internet connection until the afternoon. Today it took until 4.30pm for a signal-what the hell is going on? I was bored outta my brain! I've been uploading pics and resizing them, trying to do what I can offline, but it can get so tedious and then when the internet does come back I have too much to do and am sick of looking at photos, so get nothing done! I have eventually sorted through the MAC lipstick pics that I promised a few weeks ago, I have a couple of reviews of Scarlett & Crimson products coming up and if Rimmel haven't already struck me off their best friends list for being such a bad VIP, I will be reviewing their Vinyl Max Gloss. Oh and I made a little video of a couple of ASOS items I got today-I just have to get my editing hat on-probably tomorrow morning when I have no internet (can you tell I'm a glass half empty type of gal?) and will get that finished. Onto Inspiretty and yesterday my new booties finally arrived, green bunny 'Abigails Party' by Irregular Choice to join my pink bunny pair-super cute huh?


  1. I love these so much! I have the tea and cakes shoe with this print and its just too cute for words!

    I need the black version of these and regret not buying them on ebay when I spotted them listed for £50 :(

    So jealous you have two pairs xo

  2. Some night you should wear one green and one pink =]

    I have the purple Abigail's Party =]

    Lee x

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