
Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Senso Wilma Pink Leopard Are Here!

Hotness! They came at ten to seven last night, then 20 minutes later my New Look shoes arrived too-what is it with late deliveries? Ok, they are gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but impossible to get on! I went up a whole size (as recommended) and got the US9 which is a 39 (or size 6 here). I got one foot in fine, but the other I collapsed in exhaustion with the boot half on and shoe horn sticking out, I was knackered!
I decided I would try again today with tights on and finally managed to get my foot in. It's difficult though and my foot is usually marked and sore afterwards from trying so hard! The heel section really curves in, which I hate on shoes, because your foot in real life doesn't (seeing as it's attached to your ankle) and that's where the struggle begins. Which leads me onto the other problem, your leg is attached to your foot, if it wasn't these would be easy street...I'm saying this in jest, but actually that's where the problem was with me, my leg got in the way and filled the opening hence why I couldn't get in and there's nothing you can do, you just have to keep pushing and hope. It's a shame there isn't a zip opening somewhere for ease and comfort, because once my foot is in, they're actually quite roomy and I probably could have gone for my regular size. Looking at them on the foot, they are absolutely, jaw dropping stunning! They are super bright and that Charlotte Olympia style platform is superb. I spent a couple of hours today taking 200 photos of new shoes I've bought over the past couple of months including my Wilma boots, so look out for that coming soon...!


  1. was googleing these shoes and it took me to your blog, hope u dont mind me asking a quick question! Did you have to pay any shipping taxes when they were delivered? I really want them but dont wanna be stung with a big bill like last time i ordered shoes from america! thanks! laura

  2. Just written a post that hopefully answers your questions...I had to pay £30 customs from ParcelForce. My sister had package from Karmaloop the day before and only paid £15 and her goods came to more value than mine, so I'm not sure how they work it out or if it depends which company delivers.


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