
Saturday, 16 October 2010

Video: Barry M Instant Nail Effects

I'm ridiculously excited about this, it's silly! I get really frustrated at how long it takes to upload videos to blogger and how unpredictable it can be, you can literally sit all day and it never uploads or one can be done in 5 minutes. So I thought about making a funky video yesterday whilst playing around with the Barry M Instant Nail Effects. It's my first attempt at a proper video with music and everything, rather than just exactly what I shot. However it wouldn't upload to blogger, so this morning I decided to take the bull by the horns and start my own YouTube channel!! Kinda scary, but kinda cool. My username is pinkhairedshoegirl. I can see the Windows Live Movie Maker that I downloaded yesterday, fast taking over from my Taaz obsession-it's so much fun playing around with it! Anyway, here's my very first 'proper' video-I probably could've done better, but not bad for a first attempt when I don't know how it works!


  1. great vid! I like this product too. Gota try it over red nail paint now :)

  2. I've been wondering how this works exactly. I've seen loads of "after" pics on blogs but nothing about the process so thank you :)

  3. the red undercoat is perfect for halloween!


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