
Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Get Rebecca Fergusons Horse Ring Here!

Firstly thank you for all your messages regarding the horse ring that Rebecca Ferguson wore on X Factor at the weekend. I know lots of people are still interesting in tracking it down and others have helped guide me in the right direction-I really appreciate all your comments and emails, thank you.
The ring is actually a brooch. It's available from Pynk for £19.95 and discovering that site, filled with jewelled animal pieces is like heaven for me! I do find the site sometimes doesn't work for me-don't know if that's just me? You could then maybe try yourself to make it into a ring or else use it as is intended, a stunning piece.
Or to get the actual ring Rebecca wears, Bec emailed me this morning to let me know that The Jewellery Box based in Liverpool make this piece into a ring, £30. Excited much? Now they've been struggling to keep up with demand and have managed to track down 8 more horsies and they're going fast. *update: there are only 6 left now* The link above is to their facebook page and you can request the ring there or email contactjewellerybox@yahoo. Be quick and let them know Pink Haired Princess sent you : )
You know I like my rings big and sparkly and The Jewellery Box have an amazing selection of mahoosive rings that really appeal. As much as I detest spiders, this ring is stunning and if I were to be reincarnated, my 2nd choice of animal would be a swan (first being a unicorn of course)! Super cute, statement pieces.
Also I know some of you are interested in the gorgeous dresses Rebecca has been wearing, so I have some news on that for you too.


  1. I do like that swan ring - thanks for tracking down the site! :)

  2. have just ordered 3 rings from them!! including the big sparkly spider!! :o)

  3. wow these are amazing - will definitely be ordering some - thanks so much!

  4. Hi love the site
    Just thought I'd let you know I make the Rebecca ferguson ring too and also unique one off Jewellery and vintage pieces with crystals , peacock feathers ,beads etc they are really different I have a group on Facebook

    Claires jewels

    Check it out

    Im also doing Liverpool fashion week xxxx

  5. Hi, you can buy the Horse ring £20 plus p+p from and there is also a facebook page. Based in Liverpool and is where Rebecca bought hers from - hope this helps!

  6. So pleased you're all happy with your purchases or soon to be purchases! I ordered the swan and horse. So many beautiful things to choose from.

  7. Hi,
    Rebecca bought her ring from our store, Resurrection in Liverpool. A lot of people have claimed to have supplied the ring, but they are just trying to cash in. The ring was originally a one off piece, but a limited edition of 15 will be available on a first come first served basis next week. Rebecca will be wearing another ring we have supplied to her either on Saturday or Sunday night. It is a large bird and very beautiful. Again it is a very limited edition.


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